Maybe best yoyo video of 2019?
I was thinking best yoyo to be release this year.
Otherwise it becomes too broad.
But everyone is free to say what they like so you can say for example.
Best plastic 2019 : Dove
(But best plastic I used this year was a FHZ)
For example
Yoyos 2019 :
Favourite mono-metal of 2019
• A-RT Trypditch
Favourite bi-metal of 2019
• PDX-Yo Batsquatch
Favourite plastic of 2019
Favourite 0A/responsive of 2019
• Doc Pop Weekender
Favourite Titanium of 2019
• YYF 888 Forever
Industry :
Favourite yoyo store of 2019
• YoYo Expert
Favourite yoyo company of 2019
• A-RT
(Honorable Mention- Rain City Skills)
Favourite industry person of 2019
• Bryan Jardin @bjardin
Favourite string company of 2019
• Markmont Formulas @Markmont
Here are my answers!
Shutter wide angle
Edge 1.5
Gentry Stein
Gentry Stein
Gentry Stein
Tyler Duffy
Gentry Stein
Yoyos :
Favourite mono-metal of 2019
Favourite bi-metal of 2019
Favourite Titanium of 2019
Tishee (although Twangle arrives soon)
Industry :
Favourite yoyo company of 2019
Favourite industry person of 2019 (Be it a manufacturer, store keeper, influencer etc)
Damian Puckett (lesser known designer and great guy)
Favourite string company
People :
Favourite yoyo competitor
Most inspirational yoyo related person in general
Favourite person to watch for videos
Mr. Matio
Yoyos :
- Favourite mono-metal of 2019
– One Drop Rev.1 - Favourite bi-metal of 2019
– Duncan Grasshopper GTX - Favourite plastic of 2019
– YoyoFriends Dove - Favourite 0A/responsive of 2019
– Doc Pop Weekender - Favourite Titanium of 2019
– Ti-Vayder
Industry :
- Favourite yoyo store of 2019
– YoYoExpert (no contest here) - Favourite yoyo company of 2019
– One Drop - Favourite industry person of 2019
– Mark Montgomery - Favourite string company of 2019
– ZipLine
People :
- Favourite Forum Member and why
– @smileypants707 (cuz I really want to be more Zen like him) - Favourite yoyo competitor
– Gentry Stein - Most inspirational yoyo related person in general
– Gentry Stein - Favourite person to watch for videos
– Throws 'n Brews
Favorite mono metal - mantra
Favorite bi-metal - butter
Favorite plastic - SF plastic
Favorite responsive - Delrin gamer
Favorite titanium - ti-vader
Favorite yoyo store - YYE
Favorite yoyo company - Good life
Favorite industry person - @MarkD has help me out with my strings and has been a really good friend too. @YoYoExpertEric was a really good friend and teacher at nationals
Favorite string company - zip lines
Favorite forum member - @PCaliyoyos has been a really good friend and I have loved talking to him
Favorite yoyo competitor - @Gentry_Stein , nate daily
most inspirational yoyo related person in general - yoyojoe1 and gentry
Super Rookie - @PCaliyoyos @JWaugh Jax hale
Favorite person to watch for videos - yoyojoe1 and Lorenzyo cubing
My prediction for @Durfee’s entry
Favorite mono metal - wangle
Favorite bi-metal - butter
Favorite plastic - Replay pro
Favorite responsive - Replay
Favorite titanium - Twangle
Favorite yoyo store - Gentrystein dot com
Favorite yoyo company - YYF
Favorite industry person - Gentry Stein
Favorite string company - YYF
Favorite forum member - @MoonageMin
Favorite yoyo competitor - Gentry Stein
most inspirational yoyo related person in general - Gentry Stein
Super Rookie - @PCaliyoyos
Favorite person to watch for videos - Gentry Stein
Some people can guess a few of my answers for sure
Yoyos :
Favourite mono-metal of 2019
Shutter Wide Angle World Champ edition
(Because the normal wide angle is an older release) -
Favourite bi-metal of 2019
Bimetal Shutter -
Favourite plastic of 2019
I actually don’t think I bought any plastics this year. Out of the new releases the one that appeals to me most is the Dove. -
Favourite 0A/responsive of 2019
Since it’s the only one I bought: the Snapshot
** Favourite Titanium of 2019**
Vayder only because I haven’t received my TiWA yet.
Industry :
Favourite yoyo store of 2019 (For the purpose of this forum there is only 1 correct answer
Even if it weren’t against the rules to post other places, it would still be YYE. -
Favourite yoyo company of 2019
YoYoFactory. Not the they don’t do well but they always seem underhyped. If certain other companies made the same exact yo-yos as YYF people would hype them into oblivion. But YYF makes them and they get overlooked.
Favourite industry person of 2019 (Be it a manufacturer, store keeper, influencer etc)
This is hard to pick. Andre does so much for the scene. Michael Kurti at Good Life has put together an awesome team and brand and is just a really nice guy. Markmont comes to mind too, I really appreciate his approach to yoyoing and how he’s attempting to spread it. But I’m going with Graeme Steller. He’s such a great host at all the contests he works at.
** Favourite string company of 2019**
Honestly have only tried one of his string types but Markmont is so dope and is really involved in the community, I have to give it to him
People :
- Favourite Forum Member and why (can be multiples, I will give examples using my answer)
I don’t feel right only giving a few names here, so instead I’ll highlight a few younger forum members that have been really active in a positive way:
@JWaugh (this kid slays) @Legit_yoyostrings
Just three really nice kids that are always contributing on here.
** Favourite yoyo competitor**
Gentry Stein, Chandler Steele, John Wolfe
Most inspirational yoyo related person in general
This is tough. Might have to go with Evan Nagao. Definitely would root for Gentry over him in a contest any day, but Evan’s worlds performance and the circumstances surrounding it were pretty special this year. -
Super Rookie of 2019 (Most improved player)
Honestly couldn’t tell you. I don’t really have any good reference of where many people were vs where they are.
** Favourite person to watch for videos**
No specific people really, I just watch a lot of contest routines. If I had to pick, Michael Kurti and Chris Rodrigues usually impress me the most on Instagram.
thanks Durfee i really appreciate what you said and i also appreciate you i’m glad your around on the forum
- favorite mono-metal: Shutter it’s really the only decent mono i’ve tried
- favorite Bi-Metal: none i don’t own any
- favorite 0A/Responsive: the only Responsive i own dollar store yoyo (lol)
- favorite Ti: none don’t own any
industry: - favorite yoyo store of 2019: YYE
- favorite yoyo company of 2019: MK1
- favorite industry person of 2019: @MarkD
- favorite string company: honestly the only string i’ve bought is Magicyoyo string and that was just once and i’ve been making string and been sent string the rest of the time
People: - favorite forum member and why: @Durfee for his enthusiasm and love for the Shutter and just being really nice @JWaugh for getting me into yoyos @MarkD for flippin’ starting his own company and sponsoring some really awesome yoyoers @twitch77 for everything he’s done for me and the community
- favorite yoyo competitor: @JWaugh @Gentry_Stein Kieran Cooper
- most inspirational yoyo related person in general: not sure that’s a hard one
- super rookie of 2019: @twitch77 @MoonageMin both these guys are incredibly nice and if you haven’t talked to them much i highly recommend you do
- favorite person to watch for videos: @JWaugh Jake is sooo incredible and very very nice
Yoyos :
- Favourite mono-metal of 2019 - RSO Bowl 7068
- Favourite bi-metal of 2019 - PDX-Yo Batsquatch
- Favourite Titanium of 2019 - Ti-Vayder
Industry :
- Favourite yoyo store of 2019 - YYE
- Favourite yoyo company of 2019 - One Drop
- Favourite industry person of 2019 - @Markmont
- Favourite string company of 2019 - Airetic, Zipline
People :
- Favourite Forum Member and why - @JWaugh and @twitch77 have liked my posts and interacted with me on the forum more than anyone and I really appreciate it.
- Favourite yoyo competitor - No preference as I’m not into competitive yoyo.
- Most inspirational yoyo related person in general - Jensen Kimmitt
- Favourite person to watch for videos @yomartyo (Let’s talk YoYo)
Monometal: Retic Burm or Mk1 Diffraction
Bimetal: Retic Death Adder
Titanium: TiVayder
Yoyo retailer: YYE
Yoyo company: Retic
Yoyo string: Airetic
Forum member: @smileypants707 because he’s just awesome or @twitch77 for his unending enthusiasm
Competitors: Michael Kurti, Conor Seals, Hajime Miura, Garbkamol Limangkul, and Nate Daily
Favorite videos: @KesmEyeball or MrMatio
Suggested added categories:
Freestyle of the year
Video of the year
Instagram clip of the year
Another suggested category:
- Best colorway
This might be tough since there are reoccurring colors but I think it’s a super important part of what makes yoyos interesting.
/end of debate
I do actually really like the looks of the Honey Badger AL7068 v1 colour.
For me that would be my ideal green
Favorite everything 2019:
- Monometal: Diffraction V2
- Bimetal: Akita (I think it came out this year)
- Titanium: TiBanshee by a landslide (Ti-vayder is also cool)
- Plastic: Variant
- Responsive: Weekender
- shop: YYE
- String Company: Sochi Co
Favorite players:
1A: Tetsuto Kato (these are players who became big in 2019)
5A: @jakebullock came back and that is really cool
4A: Nathan Joseph and Hamad Ahmad are a tie (Hajime is the best but hes been big in 4A for a while)
3A: Oliver Neuschuez
Outside of competitive play there are a few people who stood out to me:
Faye Webster started yoyoing this year and has been having yoyo players (Tessa Pichiolo) on tour with her spreading throwing to a lot of people, that’s really cool
@codinghorror (I don’t need to say anything more)
There is so much more that I want to put here but I’m just gonna stop now.