YYF Spin time

Sounds like you may need to either break in your bearings or clean them. Gunked up or to much oil

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Pay attention to the noise the barring is making. If there is no to little sound, then it’s probably a problem with the bearing. If it rings slightly then you’re good. I got my horizon to sleep for 4:30 on a good throw with no tricks. Sometimes it’s the technique, the more you practice the better you get at not causing the strings to touch the sides of the yo-yo. Hope this helps man, I feel your pain. Same thing happened to my shutter wide angle :”””(


Everytime I see a post on spin times I just get the urge to do a long sleeper challenge.

Hit 16min 30sec first try on my Rvk.Rt Mjolnir prototype.


brand new bearing…brand new yoyos; Throw’s N Brews was saying they don’t need to be broken in. How do I break them in?

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The new yoyo sat around in the package for maybe a year until you got it. Things just settle and need to be used a little. That’s at least my understanding. Oh, and like a new car - I heard after so many miles it gets broken in and up to optimal performance. Or a runner doing stretches before a race. Or that one time I exercised a few years ago…it took me 2 sit-ups to warm up enough to finish my 5 sit-up workout. Sorry, I’m probably not helping.


Gave me a kick :laughing:

Play them. That usually works fairly well. Or so I’ve heard. :wink:

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So um, how does the process work? Some kind of stress on the yoyo and bearning or something? What parts of the bearing or yoyo? Is the bearing seat effected? I’m just looking for more information. How will I know when It’s broken in?

That’s good, i’m just wondering what happens during the breaking in process to make the devices more playable.

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Perhaps this is more clearly stated: what happens to the yoyo during the break in process, physically.?

I hit 10min in a shutter and edge beyond. BiND would be my choice tho if I had to battle boredom and others in a long sleeper contest


My theory: After a new yoyo is packaged it will sit for maybe months or even a year. The bearing and little balls inside which are meant to be in motion just sit still. Bearings are lubed in the factory but when the bearing just sits still for a period of time they need a little throwing time to “warm up” and get moving how they were meant to move. A lot of yoyo reviewers when they do an unboxing and play a yoyo for the first time will sometimes say “the bearings just need to be broken in.”


When new the parts (balls, races etc) fit relatively tightly (so to speak). As you play the surfaces wear slightly and things loosen up, tolerances get looser etc. The bearing seat is generally not affected and doesn’t have much influence on spin in any event.


Do GYROSCOPIC FLOP for a 1/2 an hour and it should start to loosen up.

Interesting… what’s to be loosened up, bearing, yoyo? both?

the whole shebang got it

my poly edge spins for about 3-3.5 minutes, try twisting the string to adjust tilt?

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Want more spin time? Pump some weight. Clean the bearing. Pump some weight. Don’t lube the bearing. Pump some weight. Place the string on the yoyo. Pump some weight. Wind the string around the yoyo. Pump some weight. Put the loop around your finger. Pump some weight…no wait you can’t pump weight with the yoyo ready to go in your hand! Look at your :muscle: , massive it now is after all the pumping. Throw the yoyo, hard. No, harder! If this doesn’t work, practice doing sleepers on a fixed axel and pump weight to improve your :muscle: . Nuttin to it!

(btw: protein and energy drinks may help)


This is probably why I never have problems with spin time lol


The :muscle: , protein shakes, or energy drinks? Please specify. Fixed axle practice or pumpin dem weights?

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Lifting :joy::joy:

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