YYF Lunatic!!!

I hope that they’ll make plastic caps for it in the future. The profile looks nice but I find the side view to be pretty ugly (IMO).

in the pics it looks bad but once you have one in your hand it looks nice

I think it looks great. I don’t know why some people don’t like it. Any yo-yo you get from YYF is going to be good.

true that

Honestly this is a yoyo that I’m going to be scratching off the christmas list. I can’t stand what YYF is doing right now. Releasing about 7 yoyo’s in the past three months is ridiculous. Although it does look like it will play good, It’s just that I’m starting to lose respect for YYF.

SEVERE vs Lunatic

god i never realized they were that similar thats cool its like a severe thats more undersized

They added clear caps


Yeah? I think its great… They’re trying to make it more customizable… “Oh man, I love the 888 shape but undersized yoyos suck! Oh! DNA”  “Man I love my SEVER but its soo freaking big and sluggish! Cool, Lunatic!”  “Man the MVP is cool but its too bulky, I want somthing smaller and closer to the Catch 22… Awesome! C13!!”


What? Really? Where?

A picture for it is in the URL I put there. I’m not sure when they they will make their way here though.

Yeah, YYF should TOTALLY just not release anything new and stop making yo-yos that would be way more respectful. Releasing the best products in yoyo history is RIDICULOUS!


I gathered that, but I don’t see it there and the Severe ones definitely won’t fit.

Wow, I’m a moron. I thought we were talking about the SEVERE for some reason. My b.

After reading this thread i REALLY want a severe now lolz

can you stack it

With mad modding abilitys, yes, without, no