YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

:cry: I can never afford these kinda things.

Is anyone letting go of a sleipnir? Condition is more or less irrelevant, as long as it’s playable. I’ve been looking for quote a while to no avail. Please dm me here if you do

I heard that their ano wears down with fingerspins. Is that just urban legend?

I used an old Mr. Butcher (red) and the ano did in fact wear down in the cup with fingerspins. Not sure if that’s the case with this splash stuff.

Anybody know what yoyo Takumi Yasumoto was using in the 4A finals of WYYC? It looks new… Because it cretainly doesn’t look like an Aeronaut.

Yoyorecreation Cloud

This is just beautiful. I love this thing sooooo much ;D The “We are throwers edition” Nordic blue Draupnir. Only 30 made in the entire world. Who else got one?

I cried when I saw this

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I am in awe. That “throwers Ed.” is too cool! I am so jealous. :stuck_out_tongue:

wish i had paid someone to buy a valkyrie for me :frowning:

Gargantua is great plastic, really huge(I like it, but can be sometimes problematic). Shape similiar to Diffusion2, but significantly more open catch zone. To me plays a lot better than Diffusion 2 and now I’m enjoying that “1A with offstring yo-yo” feel, but I think Diffusion 2 is more fun to play day to day.

Got mine in white at Worlds.

Dia 62mm, Width 44,5, Weight around 67g

Also most fun YYR member is Yusuke when he is drunk and screams at THP grand master :slight_smile:

I feel really bad to say this… but I bought a fakenir. I bought it yesterday and it already arrived. (I’m in China right now.) It looks the same as a Draupnir except the engravings. Bad News: It is a really good fake. DEAD SMOOTH. Good News: I talked to the manufacturer of these Fakenirs. They aren’t making anymore ever. I bought the 2nd to last one. At least you can tell it is a fake.

anyone seen wats exactly different about the gargantua and the f.a.y? same specs, same shape, and look like same distribution as well even with the cap shenanigans

I didn’t compared them one next to each other, but I don’t really think FAY has same specs as Gargantua. Where did you see specs posted?

I tried both at YYR booth and to me Gargantua was much much better yo-yo.

Compared with friend’s FAY - Similiar shape, same diameter, but not as wide and weight can be different(depends on type of pog used). But play is really different and not as good as gargantua.

Even if you did, that person would have to be either very fast or very lucky to get one. They sold extremely fast on the first day, with only a lucky few getting them.

Which one is more stable, Diffusion or Gargantua? Thanks for the comparisons btw.

I don’t speak from experience, but I’ve heard that the Gargantua is more stable.

I have both, Gargantua is overall beter playing yo-yo.

which one should i keep