YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

without scratching off the ano?

Raw YYR.

lol, yeah I agree though, the ano scratches off pretty easily.

Most of their players wear gloves though so that solves it

Mines anodized, and I have long nails, and still no scratches

Sorry for double post lol

I may or may not have gotten a paycheck that is equal to or more than the draupnir, laser, Sputnik etc. Iā€™m so excited. Probably going to wait for draupnirs to restock though.

On YYE or YYR site

Niiice. Iā€™d wait for the Draup.

Mod Edit: Please donā€™t refer to other stores here.


hyped hyped hyped hyped hyped hyped!

This is probably going to cost an arm and a leg, but I will definitely give it a try

I usually buy my bearings 20 at a time from China for $1 a piece, but if these are quiet like they say then iā€™m intrigued.

shoot, sorry about that. :slight_smile:

There are three pink Draupnirs up on a siteā€¦

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Dead Silent Bearing?

Even at $25 a pop, I would buy a pair of them. Itā€™s worth it to be able to play with impunity around my wife. :slight_smile:

The NSK Platinum is really quiet already. If these are a similar price, Iā€™m in.

never had the chance to try an NSK bearing, but I was planning to get one as they are said to be top notch

Just like Nathan I use mostly cheap chinese 10balls KK that are really satisfying

now Iā€™m torn between grabbing a regular NSK or giving this new DS a try

I love the chinese KKā€™s but they only last me about a year, after which they get really loud and rusty, even by applying lube to prevent that.

I thought DS was double straight

I use my center track and switch it out to whatever yoyo Iā€™m using.

Iā€™m quite certain it is. :wink: Itā€™s touted as quiet, though, so I was re-appropriating the acronym. :wink:

FG Dazzler
Flash green, carbon doped titanium oxide layer coating

gunmetal matte draupnir

diffusion ver clockhazard

Wow those look great, any idea when they are releasing?