Oh gosh, still another order at sOMEThING…
My wallet won’t stand it much longer
More like Addiction2 though, I hope it’ll be smooth
Oh gosh, still another order at sOMEThING…
My wallet won’t stand it much longer
More like Addiction2 though, I hope it’ll be smooth
Well if it’s as well thought out as the Slasher, it will be great !!
sOMEThING hit it out of the park with the Slasher. Thus far my favorite Bi-Metal.
Has anyone have any first hand knowledge of the new Agonist ?
Is this real life? That’s a pretty bold statement. Went from low/moderate interest to quite high. Now to wait for a better color…
Agreed. When someone with a yoyo collection like Stickman makes a claim like that, it’s definitely enough for me to take notice. I will also be keeping my eye on the Slasher for new colourways…
Stickman, mind if I ask for a little bit more detail as to what you love about the feel/play of the Slasher in particular? How would you compare it to some of the other popular bimetals like the Draupnir/Anglam/Anglam CC etc. ?
One trend that I am noticing is that Bi-Metal yo-yo’s with the rings on the outside seem to be more popular than the ones with weight rings on the inside. Is this a coincidence? Are companies just producing better yo-yo’s that just happen to have the weight rings on the outside?
Simple physics says that the wider the diameter of the ring and the greater the width of the weight ring will translate to a more stable spin with more angular momentum. So a 57mm yo-yo with weight rings on the outside will have greater spin and stability given the same design with the weight rings positioned on the inside due to:
1. The diameter is less
2. the ring itself ends to be thinner (smaller moment) and less massive,
because it is placed in the inner lip.
This begs a question:
Why is the Sputnik, at 52mm, using weight rings placed on the inside? Wouldn’t it make more sense to make a smaller yo-yo with rings on the outside? My mouth waters at the idea of a smaller Draupnir. A smaller Laser just has not done it for me.
My guess would simply be that the companies have found that either performance is better or production is easier when V shaped yoyos have the ring on the outside (Draupnir, Berserk SS, Schneider) and yoyos with a rounded shape have rings on the inside (every TP bimetal, Sputnik, Laser).
Of course this is all speculation, and Slasher’s design certainly calls my theory into question.
In my opinion, Schneider MK-II is a pretty good take on a smaller Draupnir (or a bimetal Fragment) but I would love to see what YYR could do with the design.
I really suck at articulating the subtleties of a YoYo, but I will say that being such a huge fan of the Anglam I was truly surprised that they were able to improve on such a great design. I feel the Slasher was very much inspired by the Anglam.
The Slasher is very similar to the Anglam in the way it feels in my hand, but with the SS rim weighting it took the design to the next step. It still has the super solid feeling of the Anglam, but with the added feel of mass in the throw that does not add to it’s overall weight.
Much like the way the Draupnir throws like a much heavier YoYo than it weighs, that’s what the Slasher does to the Anglam.
The Slasher is not as light feeling as the Draupnir, but it certainly has tremendous power in the throw compared to the Anglam. For my particular tastes and preferences, it’s my all around favorite YoYo.
Short story is that it feels like an Anglam on steroids !!
I honestly feel that if you are going to build a Bi-Metal collection, it would not be complete without the Slasher. I just wished they had some better colorways to offer up.
I would love to have a RAW Slasher and send it over to Jake at G-Squared for a custom anodization… ;D
It wouldn’t get much better than that.
You’d have to find a way to remove the weight rings. Or maybe mask them perfectly? From what i’ve read aluminum anodizing doesn’t play nice with SS.
I know & I agree…bummer.
I can dream though.
I myself actually own The laser and the Sputnik. I like the laser and I definitely love the Sputnik it perfectly complements my style.
id die for a sputnik
just leaving this here…
RIP fingerspin
Wait you can do this? GG wesley chenghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1924321_643237342449417_5825158821139338933_n.jpg?oh=4ff1599c76d9828e1cd77e910b0cfea4&oe=554A2118&gda=1430988104_a67eca7147623492a67eb1ab389673d2
Hey–that’s mine!
Is that powder coated? Maybe I should do that to my raw draupnir…
Really. really nice!
Yes, powder coated. yoyospirit, as he goes by here, did it for me.
No matter how trustworthy he is, I wouldn’t feel comfortable sending someone my 200 dollar yoyo to powdercoat.
That’s interesting. Is your concern being scammed, poor workmanship, or something else?