Yes, the raw Sputnik at current conversion rates is $202, the same price as anodized Draupnirs and Lasers and nearly $40 more expensive than it should cost based on past pricing history for YYR bi-metals. I was hoping they’d adjusted the price to ¥19,800 which would only be $165.
Oh. Well, yeah, wouldnt we all >.<
Well yes, but that would be in-line with their past pricing, not exactly a big ask i don’t think.
The Sputnik sure is not selling out fast. That worries me. Unless they made a whole ton of these, the verdict seems to be a big .“…meh”. Maybe they could have made a few Draupnir’s instead?
Word always seems to spread in JP about great new releases. With the Japanese supposedly loving these raw throws I have to wonder about the Sputnik. Why is it not selling? Do people have a bad taste from the Laser? I know I do not like the snaggy nature of the polished Laser’s catch-zone. The Sputnik looks like it has the same polish as the Laser. I am afraid that this little guy is going to do some knuckle damage. I would surely take the plunge if it was blasted and anodized.
Did anyone get the new Agonist from YoyoMonster? It looks like a completely new model. Stainless Steel on the outside rims now. Looks sold out now.
There were 88 available from YYR at one point the day they released and are now down to 6 and the other site is down to 14 from over 30 so I think they are selling reasonably fast. I’m certain that the 23800 JPY price despite the lack of anodize or blast is causing many people to think twice about purchasing one now when anodized ones could be just around the corner…although it took Laser quite a few months to get there. I wasn’t happy about taking the plunge at over $200 for a raw yoyo but the specs and appearance of the yoyo were just irresistible.
And again, Schneider MK-IIs are available direct from the source. It sounds like they worked out a couple of the bugs from the first run. If you are itching for some high end goodness but the raw Sputnik isn’t for you, I strongly recommend the Schneider MK-II.
Geezer, I saw that Agonist…looks fantastic. I’d love to hear how people feel about it once people get them in their hands.
Is this the same agonist currently in YYM’s webstore, or is that one the old version?
They have the new Agonist up
I’m not sure if they are raw or have a thin clear ano on them, but there are still some silver 2014 Sleipnir’s in stock on one of the online Japanese stores. I’m not allowed to say which obviously, but if you do some hunting around you’ll find that they are out there.
So, I guess they did make a ton. My bad.
… they made 80 that are not anodized?
quick copy/paste from facebook:
My Sputnik arrived today at what is now the tail end of an all nighter for me. Obviously still in the honeymoon phase but as expected since it just looks like a slightly tweaked/improved version of one of my top 2 all time favorite yoyos, I absolutely love it. Feels great in the hand with the spin time and stability to match just about everything out there. Not really much else to say. If you like Blink, e=mc2, Cypher, Puffin 2 or any of the other similar shaped throws, you’ll probably really enjoy Sputnik.
Is it worth 23800 JPY ($205 with PayPal exchange rate) for a raw yoyo, especially considering raw Draupnir and Laser were only 19800 JPY? No, of course not. Blink can easily be had for under $75 on the BST and Cypher can be had for under $30. Am I happy that I bought the yoyo? Absolutely.
My Sputnik arrived today as well.
In some subtle way it reminds me of a smaller, lighter version of the Lazer. I don’t mean that in a negative way because it’s a formula that works Really Well.
For a 52mm YoYo, YYR has done a great job of designing a lot of power in such a small & light design. It’s not as fast as I would have imagined it should be based on its size and weight, but in more talented hands it could certainly be coaxed into moving much faster than I can manage.
Not being a huge fan of undersized YoYo’s to begin with, I can certainly learn to enjoy the Sputnik.
Long story short: I really like it. ;D
I came acrossed a post in this thread by NathanC about a hundred pages back where he mentions Draupnir production videos. Can anyone link me to these? I’ve been scouring the interwebs the last couple of days and can’t find them. Thanks! My first Draupnir just cleared customs, it’ll be in my hands on Tuesday.
Got a Draupnir and Sputnik on the way. Excited to start my love affair with YYR, even though it appears it will be a costly one.
Finally tracked it down for ya, here you go check out this post: YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread - #890 by NathanC - Collectors Corner - YoYoExpert
Couldn’t see it. I only saw inner weight ring model.
Does any body know when the DRAUPNIR Gonna be back instock looking to pick up a few
Thanks a bunch man! I would’ve never found that! Hahaha
My Draupnir arrives tomorrow, feels like x-mas eve!
Anybody know when the draupnir Gonna be back instock in any online store or know where I can get a brand new one
I don’t think anyone really knows exactly when they will restock them, but I’m guessing not very soon cause it feels like they did a restock pretty recently