YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

To me its just a sin to put a super long string on a draupnir and try to play it like zach, takeshi or ahmad.

But it ended with a period :o

really? Why do people love clyw so much. They are good but not even close to a draupnir.

In what way, though? It’s the age-old (and boring) discussion…

A yoyo I’ve kept while selling many “better” yoyos is the Werrd Pacquiao. It’s not particularly stable, fresh-looking, or long-spinning. Yet I love it. Sometimes no matter how good a yoyo is, you just don’t end up caring for it, while “loving” another yoyo that doesn’t match up spec-wise.


I know this isn’t the right place but I need a really quick quote on a tempered rim draupnir with an anno flaw on rim

And does the tempered one play any different from the other draupnirs?

From what I know, all tempered rim draups look like they have ano flaws
and they play the same as other Draupnirs

Quoted for emphasis. I have a tempered rim and a black anodized and they both play the same. :slight_smile:

Thanks for saying it :slight_smile:

I think the Draupnir is a really great yoyo but it s just great… It doesn t have this little thing that makes you love a yoyo. I love the Sleipnir but i don t really like the draupnir. And i don t miss the one i had few months ago

Draupnir is more visually appealing though(IMO)

A store that has the IYoYo proto 2.2 is now stocking black draupnir.

wait a sec imma bst my phenomti
and then get an AC2
derp lol

Price for tempered rim?

not sure, but it was something like 200-210$ new

This one is used and has a small silver mark that is an anno error on the rim

Edit:I will be joining the draupnir club soon…

up to you, it seems lie a fair price to me

That sounds about what I would expect to pay, yeh. :slight_smile:

This is condescending and serves no purpose other than to irritate.

I may have said this before, but it bears repeating: If it makes you feel good to say it; you probably should not say it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread…

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Well, looks like I’m joining the draupnir club…

Do all tempered rims have some kind of anno error on it?

Maybe I just have different tastes. I have tons of fun throwing gen yos and yyr but my CLYWs seemed bland to me.

Just ordered a Draupnir from Mickey. Needless to say I’m excited.


Will be my first bi-metal not including the Phenom. Will also be the most expensive throw I’ve ever owned :smiley: