YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

This is the same order, they just never emailed me. The yoyo arrived in under a week, so I would call that insanely fast shipping!

Only some YYR yoyos come with IrPads. The response in the blink is clear silicone, not pink. I ordered some thin ones for the blink (I prefer minimal response with laggy binds). I always go for the Hard or Thin versions of IrPads.

I just got it opened, and I must say, it is even smoother now! It was a little vibey out of the box, but after cracking it open and putting it back together, it is nice and smooth. I was expecting the exact opposite to be honest. lol.

Took some pictures of my new Blink.


I think my heart stopped.
Thats Glorious
Why is it, the day i decide to spend all my money, and Invest in my Co.
the YYRs make a HUGE boom due to lowerprice rate?

Just ordered my A- Grade LuckyBox. I can only pray that I get a Blink like that with a tiny ano flaw some where near the response. Oh, while I’m praying to the Mystery Gods…how about a gold Butcher and a Silver Fragment with the same flaws!

Me too! Bankin’ on a Mr. Butcher and Attune.

With my luck I’ll probably get 3 Diffusions…

Think I might get a box, hopefully I can get a Z-ON and/or Mr.Butcher. If not I’m sure I’ll figure out a trade :stuck_out_tongue:

Great, maybe we all will be able to do tradezies if we end up with duplicates and/or didn’t get the madel we really wanted.

Money why must you hate my bank account so

I would be willing to trade some yyr around if i get duplicates or things I dont want. Im Really hoping for a Mr. Butcher, Zon, and Blink. Or another acrophobia. mmmmm acrophoooobia :slight_smile:

Any idea on how I can get enough money for a box before they sell out? Lsimhbiwfefmtalol

I have a 6 and a Stardust 2
If anyone is interested.
and Doesnt like something in their Box, Shoot me a Pm :slight_smile:

I cant afford one of these things!
I wish i could. Would Kill for a Butcher or Z-ON or a Blink…

I have a mint 6 and a clash 2012 if anyones interested…?

Just bought a Fragment and a lucky box comes out again.
Last time the lucky box came out I just bought my blink a week before.


Ordering a lucky box. Even if I only get one YYR I don’t have yet, I’m only out about $20 or $30 for 2 duplicate YYRs. That’s a win in anyone’s book.

Hoping for a Gleipnir and/or a Stargeyser and/or a Triplet.


Do you think there’s the possibility of 4A yoyos in the box? I hope not…

I don’t think so, but if I did get one then I’d totally be out of my comfort zone. That might be a good thing considering the price. But then again…comfort is nice.

Nope. All their 4A yoyos are super expensive anyway, they definitely wouldn’t include them.

Can somebody PM A link to the Boxes? ALso how much are they? Thanks, I dont know anything about YYR

I gotchu

They cost the same as the rest of their models.

Though I’m not sure why their offstring delrin yoyos are so expensive in the first place…