YoYoRecreation Appreciation Thread

Now a YYR owner again. I snagged a red Mr. Butcher.

I still feel bad about convincing you to trade your overdriveā€¦

Its ok I miss it but I turned those throws into nicer things.

What was the trade again? overdrive for code 2, ava, leviathan3, and what else?

What if yyr made a Delrin?

I hope theyā€™d do a better job with delrin than with plastic thenā€¦

Amen to that.

How were the Turning Point delrins? Always liked the way they looked, but they were all a bit heavy(70g+ iirc) for me to ever bother getting one. The YoYoJoker EX series also looks really cool with so much customization.

Iā€™d like to try one of those delrin prototype as well.
As for the EX series, the Exceed looks yummy, and I really thought about getting one so I could switch to D-size, but purchasing the Exceed plus all the parts needed is way too expensive

I liked it, but I also agree that a plastic from YYR should have been WORLDS ahead than what they came up with.

Can anyone ID which release this clash is:

Itā€™s a 2010

I miss mine

I have both the Leviathan, and the MaxBet in Delrin. I love the Leviathan, one of the smoothest and most stable Delrins I own, and the MaxBet is also quite smooth, just a bit heavier than the Leviathan. I guess itā€™s just a matter preference.

I think they are fantastic throws, and Iā€™m really glad I bought them. They have a real elegance about them.

I personally HATED the Albino Max Bet. Small gap, overpriced, and I didnā€™t find it played as well as it couldā€™ve.

So your throw wasnā€™t completely closed from the start is why it made sounds? Iā€™ve taken mine apart quite a few times and thought THD bearing was short but never thought twice about it

Hey guys, my Draupnir review is up and running at http://ow.ly/sRslU.
Do pay a visit!

Wonderful review!
Complete and easy to read.
Iā€™ve not tried one yet, but that sure made me want to.

One thing, though, DS officially stands for ā€œDouble Stepā€ ^^

Thanks! Itā€™s updated!

Wut? Nah it was closed. And didnā€™t make any sound other than the hum of titanium and light bearing noise. Just wouldnā€™t thread into both sides at once eventually as it kept going all the way into one side which was then too short. Teflon tape or something would have also worked, but iā€™m happy with how it turned out and it plays perfect.

Really enjoying the Blink I picked up on the BST, especially with new sili in it now. Might be just be the old honeymoon phase but right now Iā€™d have to say itā€™s my 2nd favorite YYR. If I was actually a skilled yoyoer and could push the Uragment/Fragment as fast as they want to go then one of those would probably take its spotā€¦perhaps one day.