Yoyomuseum.com giveaway!

Agh! I was so close!

I really thought you had it too, somehow you missed the Code 1. Next time…

I was opening separate windows for each as I found them…I think I just closed that window before I added it to the list.


This giveaway was definitely tedious but fun. I learned about some cool throws I never would’ve noticed before.

Oh the URL was a great idea, wish I would have thought of that one.

I thought this was a great idea and I enjoyed it. I would do like 60/40 on em though. Give the pepos who don’t have time to search and play immediately, and just follow for the love, a chance to win. Or maybe draw random answer emails and the first correct one wins instead of the first to get it in. I’d mix it up between first correct answer in, and random answer emails, and just random followers some months.

Great job, I liked it.

Hah! I missed the 888 for stacked yoyos.
I specifically remember thinking, “it’s odd that they don’t have an 888 in the museum.” Dunno how I missed that.

Also missed the YYJ Trinity as an Andre sig. Got every other one including the CalicoJoe though.

I don’t feel bad about not winning though, this was a blast.

Great work Grahame!

Missed the Bassline
Missed the two duncan.


Anyone we know??

Sorry yes, the winner is burdger - prize will go out in the mail today :slight_smile:

No way! Congrats man!