Yoyojam Trigger

i think he was referring to the sound being made from multiple types of bearings.

i’ve used a speed bearing, a trifecta and the bearing that came in my super nova. they all my the same noise in the trigger. however when swapped to my Supernova this was not the case. they were all much quieter. that being said. i still love the trigger. its my goto outside throw. it plays great.
side note: it did fall out of my jacket pocket at the mall the other night and one of the weight rings fell out. i popped it back in and it was good as new.

I’m playing mine over my Supernovas, Duncan Mayhem, G funk, and catalyst. I like mine a lot. It’s my number 1 throw right now.

I’m aware, and yes it is lower quality and I prefer a Buddha Bearing or One Drop to it.