Yoyofriends Presents: TiNY - Plus a Giveaway! - Available Wednesday 4/19/23 8pm EST!


yoyofriends has a long history of making yo-yos that utilize titanium, including the TiSS Hummingbird, Ti Sunbird, and more recently the Alliance. Titanium is a popular material for yoyo construction, but it comes with a significant cost, making it less accessible for many people.


In order to make a titanium yoyo that is more affordable and enjoyable, the yoyofriends team decided to create a mini undersized yoyo. The first prototype was based on the Alliance and featured a diameter of 44.5mm with Koi’s inner cup, as well as a groove on the outer rim design for aesthetics.

To make the yoyo truly accessible to everyone, yoyofriends reached out to André from Yoyoexpert to collaborate on the design. Wanting to incorporate elements of their most successful model, the Hummingbird, the team worked to create a yoyo that was both fun and unique.

TiNY by yoyofriends

After two months of testing from the yoyofriends players and Yoyoexpert, the team realized that the yoyo needed more power, so they increased the overall weight of the yoyo and optimized the design with inspiration from the original design. Through this process, two prototypes emerged: a 37mm design with straight rims, and a 39mm design with more rounded rims. After further testing, the 39mm design proved to be the standout. It was more comfortable to catch, slightly more powerful, and it featured a unique weight distribution with the rounded rims.

Green-Splash-Engraving-TiNY Green-Splash-Engraving-TiNY-2 Green-Splash-Engraving-TiNY-3

The team’s goal was to make a titanium yoyo more accessible to everyone and spread the characteristics of titanium and other materials. With the completion of this project, they believe that they have achieved that goal. The artwork for the project, TiNY, depicts the yoyo being worked on in a lab in a petri dish, which serves as a reminder of how long the project took and how many tests it had been through until the final production.

TiNY by yoyofriends-2


Very cool! My favorite colorway is the blue with paint cracking look. Not sure of the colorway name yet as the throw hasn’t dropped here yet, but that cracking paint looks so nice imo!

Edit: Thanks to hsb for commenting below. It’s called Blue drought and such an awesome looking throw!


I’m boring. Raw.


Congratulations everyone in producing this! I like idea of trying to make Ti affordable and this looks really fun to throw. My favorite color way is obviously the blueish greenish color with that salt flat crackle pattern! That is amazing and I think it is the coolest finish I’ve ever seen. Would love to see how it looks while spinning…


Gotta love the cracked finish! The ano on these is better than any other ti stuff Ive seen!


The rainbow colorway is for sure my favorite.

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My favorite’s gotta be the rainbow fade


The rainbow fade colorway is my fave.

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the blue crackle rocks


I like that multi color splash.

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rainbow fade is easily my favorite, however i can appreciate the textured ones for being innovative

The rainbow fade with the “scratches” looks amazing!



Titanium is beautiful on it’s own. My favorite is raw.


Blue crackle definitely


I like the green(?) blue-brown camo-like one!

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Blue crackle looks awesome

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I love the metally rainbow one! I’ve never seen a design like that.

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Hard to decide favorite colorway. Its between the Rainbow and the blue Colorway


It’s the blue crackle for me. Man, such a good looking yoyo!