YoYoFactory - Made in USA

lol @ propaganda :wink:

YYF is a cool company and Ben just felt the need to educate some folks. Get over it. Whether its made in the USA or not, I’ll support YYF because they do more than just make yoyos. They support the yoyo community in a variety of ways. (Contest, Teaching, Going to schools, Touring)

But yea… Yoyo’s are fun.

I’m not talking about YYF. I called Zamstrom out for being stupid, in the most well thought out non-mean way as possible, it got deleted. Hope he saw it. Because it really should be brought to his attention.

Also, I never said YYF product was bad. I own a Shutter, I play it all the time. I also bought 3 401Ks brand new, and tons of things in between. I’ve been buying their stuff since they’ve been around, I don’t need you to tell me what their stuff is like. Its Ben I don’t like. Well, I also don’t like the massive gaps and slim response they use, but that’s beside the point.

Ahhh I see sorry for the misunderstanding. Also sorry you don’t like Ben cause he’s an amazing guy. Plus he has a cool accent :wink:

No, I want an answer to my question. Asked on fm as well


ok - but if no one has answered it by now, they’re probably not going to.

Then send him a PM next time.

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The longer this thread gets, the more photos we need. I should have shown both sides of my Genesis (so pretty) :slight_smile: :

Genesis 2014 by TotalArtist Yoyos, on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5484/14639821103_f9f20eb2c0_z.jpgGenesisUSAspin2 by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2928/14617797564_fb517ca37d_z.jpgGenesisUSAspin1 by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

And, I might have to get that new black SHU-TA as a twin for my pink ;D :

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3926/14657398128_85207ba3f4_z.jpgShu-ta by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Mikers, I have a Question for you. I didn’t know the answer before I saw the pic. But on the last page, Totalartist posted a pic of both halves of the Genesis. And on the red half it says Made in the USA.

Like I said, I am not saying you are wrong, cuz I didn’t even know where it was made.

But were you thinking of something else? Another batch of Genesis or a different model?

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^ Thanks 'doc.  You are correct, that was made in the U.S.A., so he was incorrect.  Here’s another one.

No better way to show YoyoFactory that it matters, than buying the U.S.A. made stock they provide for us.  It doesn’t matter much to me, but I happen to have some of them:

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3897/15046606201_06951a5ec2_z.jpgCZM8 by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8641/15802779343_42e3438de2_z.jpgCZM8yyfspin by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Grey with gold splash, U.S.A. made, still available in the store. 

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The USA Space Cowboys however.

I guess I should have clarified better when I got called out. I had a distinct memory of a high end bi-metal USA edition YYF being made in China(which I feel I need to reiterate, I have no real “problem” with aside from the total lack of machine work happening stateside overall), turns out this was the Space Cowboy and only the Cowboy.
In the interest of fairness to myself, I did try to research before I made that post, but it seems nobody carries the 2014 Genesis anymore so the country of origin isn’t listed. Only the SC from the same collection, so I inferred the rest. Obviously I was wrong.

at the end of the day does it really matter where the yoyo is made the main thing people should be worried about is the quality of the yoyo and how it plays I could care less where its made


TotalArtist you make any colorway look great with your photos. Thanks for sharing the pics.


I love it. I have/had the green one. Do you have the Hobbes CZM8? Also the speical edition Slusny one I want soooo much

You know what I have realized is the real injustice after reading this thread… I have been posting great stuff on here for a long time now…and Andre comes in and within a couple weeks doubles the thank you’s I have with the shake of his NTH. Where is the love YYE community? Have I not callused my hands? Have I not shed pocket book blood for this sport? Do I not cringe when I ding? Sure I’m human and I knot from time to time…but do I not unknot? :’( :’( :’(
Support the poor and donate a thanks.


I’m on mobile :’(

This thread could use a lighter tone… So before I go on my happier riff of happier things… lemme just say thanks for making this post ben! I think some people could have used this info for the future. Now happier riff time. I like kitties. do you like kitties? I think kitties are cute. ;D

Thankfully I didn’t see it.

I’m not sure how I am being stupid on said topic. There IS yoyoers out that care about product being american made and I was being polite to Ben via thanking him.

If that is so wrong then I truly do not understand you or people in this thread.

You do realise he owns this site right? He could slap my mother and I’d just give him a ‘thank you’ and offer him an ice-pack for his hand.

I did laugh at your fantastically phrased post though, so have a thank you, on the house. Spend it wisely.

@Kadabrium; it might be worth taking your question to a PM or YYF’s Ask.Fm to save you having to keep bumping it. It seems fairly clear by now that the answer you seek shall not be found in this thread.

Finally, Totalartist, if you’re taking requests… can we get a bit of Galaxy Proton action up in here? :slight_smile:

Galaxy Proton… one of the most desirable YYF of all the times…