YoyoFactory Cypher

It’s a great choice for your first. :wink:

Why does my cypher play responsive sometimes

Because you’re the swag daddy.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Could either be that your response pads need breaking in, or your bearing needs breaking in. Throw some long sleepers to find out.

If you’re impatient then cleaning the bearing will probably do the trick. Also try pushing the response pads deeper into their seats.

lube bearing, type of string, response pads

this still has be laughing, thanks.

I am going to put an Ammo string on my Cypher and see how it throws. gotta finish the darn roof first before we get the early monsoons…


is there a problem with my name :wink:

All I have to say about the Cypher is, “Dis ting ith awethome!”

@swagg daddy

no not at all, I love it actually. did not mean to be egregious in any way. your name is cool. I had never seen it before…

please do not take offence. I simply laughed because it was great…


I don’t think he meant that he took offense. I think he meant it as a joke. I think he named himself that for this very reason. Or, at least to be funny.

My Cypher is great. Light and floaty play in a comfortable shape! Good work YYF. It looks similar too a n12, but plays totally different. It’s stable too. :slight_smile:

I finally received my package and I really like the Cypher. YYF: You did good!

The cypher looks like a Dazzler, minus the titanium

Nah, you’re thinking of a bearing, pads, and an axle.

Is there any way to possibly fix the vibe on my Cypher?

I took out the bearing on mine and put a new one in and it fixed the vibe.

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What pads came stock on the cypher? Never seen this type before.

I didn’t take it to offense :slight_smile: I was just being sarcastic hahaha 8)

The Cypher is great. I’m impressed. The shape seemed kind of bland and boring to me but honestly it’s very comfortable and really a ton of fun. I haven’t put mine down since it arrived. This thing is worth every cent!

The pads in my Cypher are green. :slight_smile: