Oh, btw… @MarkD totally figured it out which completely blew my mind!!
I’ll pass on the thread regardless.
Thanks fam
Bit late to the party, but I got my box today! I got the acid washed/black rimmed Pragma and a blue Arrow. Really enjoying them both so far, the Pragma is so powerful; it’s insane!
Do you live in another country @Kieran? Just wondering why it took so long!
And yeah, the Pragma is super powerful. And heavy! It plays like nothing I’ve ever used before.
Yep, I live in Australia, pretty much as far from the US as it gets lol. I’m actually surprised how quickly it got here, normally it would take 2-3 weeks.
The Pragma has been great for learning tricks because it’ll just spin for ages. I’ll throw it once and get through the whole video tutorial trying each element (as long as the video’s not too long). But I still need to get used to the shape I guess, I keep throwing it with wobble. I’ve never had that issue, perhaps it’s part of the dust I have to brush off.
So if you had a choice, would you go for the Pragma or the Draupnir?
Also whoever got the Edge Infinite PLEASE MAKE A REVIEW PLEEEEEZ
The guy has made a post of it on facebook today…including some images! He says he’s really enjoying it :D.
Really hoping Marm can get his hands on it.
The Pragma is good, but nowhere near Draupnir good.
Draupnir sucks.
So…who wants to trade theirs for my Pragma?
I have the same problem, I can’t seem to throw it without any vibe. It evens out pretty easily and then stays smooth, but still pretty maddening.