YoYoExpert Forum Secret Santa Thread: Ship anytime between now and December 1st

I personally plan on researching my recipient like I would before a trade. Would stink to send someone something they posted in the worst yoyo thread. Feel free to check there BST and I saw at least one thread called Christmas list…

Yea thats a good strategy! I suggest everyone do the same…i know i will

Points for being one of the only people I know that can use ‘pique’ properly.

I cant wait til I ship.

So will you tell me ;D

He is a trusted member …he’s been around for a while, if I remember correctly.so take your panties out the wadd logi. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes Feedback is important, but more important is being a credible and trustworthy member of this forum. So if you post a lot and everyone trusts you then more then likely I would allow you to participate

I get that, but part of it is also knowing how to ship. There seems to be in inordinate amount of people who just can not ship a yoyo properly.

It is preferred that everyone Disassemble whatever gift your giving and package it well so that it is not moving inside the packaging. I usually ship in a padded envelope and take apart the yoyo, take the axle and bearing and put it into a plastic baggy. I usually wrap the yoyo in some paper or something like that. No metal to metal contact and the small parts in a concealed bag. Shipping is completely up to the person as long as its protected and not going to be damaged in transit

I have shipped over 70 yoyos out and never had an issue with shipping (I never take them apart) I make sure they are wrapped up in either bubble wrap and or newspaper very well. I for one hate when I get a yoyo shipped to me that was taken apart. Just me I guess. If YYE can send a yoyo that is in the box not taken apart then why can’t we? Please do not take this the wrong way I am just throwing this out there. I personally think that the padded envelope is the worst method of mailing out a yoyo. Again please take no offense.

To each his own…You can ship how you like as well as everyone else. I have made 140+ trades/sales that I had to ship and I almost always ship in padded envelopes wrapping them as I stated above and have never had an issue. You can use a box or padded envelope, whatever works for you.


I don’t disassemble yo-yos either, and use the box method. Some people will strip the axle putting it back together and think it’s the sender’s fault. I like them to throw the yo-yo right out of the box, and then if they damage it disassembling and reassembling, it’s on them.

I’m all in this year. I did it last year, so why not again? Should be fun once again.

Anyone know, what were some great gifts received last year? I’m interested in hearing from people who were happy with their Secret Santa last year. I wasn’t around last year. Fill me in ;D

Spyy radian II

A raw polished battosai I remember, but idk what else there was.

^ Those are some great gifts. Interesting stuff.

I know there were more just cant remember…i hope this year is even more generous. Now just gotta fill the spots to get everyone drawn

I just shot you a PM. Looking forward to this, I’ve got some good ideas for a package : D

your in! 6 spots left!!!