Yoyo you wish you had

Right now, I’m thinking about the G2 Banshee… It simply looks amazing to play with!

Take a look at my Instagram yoyo related account: Yoyouku

I agree … and in my opinion are not even fair prices (even thinking about the various Dazzler fg, Tiss Something, etc.) But this is just my opinion.
As for the Fulvia Btm, as I have always said, it is a yoyo too fragile (considered the shims so run the shell) and with too much weight outside. It is definitely a very good constructive exercise.

Right now it’s a OD Citizen.
I heard that OD will have another Ti offering in 2017, so whatever that becomes…

G2 Aftershock in AL7.

Get that banshee and don’t think twice about it! Amazing yoyo :fire::fire::fire:

Actually, any G2 throws would be sick to have. They all looks good. ::slight_smile:

Take a look at my Instagram yoyo related account: Yoyouku

G2 Banshee/YYR Draupnir/YYR Sigtyr

BBB Canvas or 28 stories peak

yoyorecreation Sleipnir

I’ve wanted to add one to the collection for a while now and I missed the re-launch last year :’(

They pop up on the bst pretty frequently

1st or 2nd run?

To be honest I would prefer first. But wouldn’t care if it was either.

Yes, aesthetically the 1st run is perhaps more beautiful (he knows the same color BvsM … and in my opinion are the 28 most beautiful stories ever) the 2nd run, however, has something mysterious in my eyes … often darker shades and the more blue light are divided by red splash … and I never explained how it could be possible that.
Beautiful both … lucky those who own them!
These are (or were) by Brett Grimes

Nostalgia. Nuff said. Other than that I own pretty much everything I want. My needs are simple.

Luftverk Fulvia BTM-R because I shouldn’t be spending that much right now

Were… I asked! He sold all of his CLYWs, even had an OG Peak at one point. A first run 28 stories and first run test ano are some of my grails as well.

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This one right here.

b.i.o. malleus. Always wanted one.

One of my all time favorite throws. Hard to get a hold of these days.

The Vs Newton Septopus. There are a couple titanium yoyos that I’d really like to at least try at some point. While I doubt I would enjoy the Fulvia BTM’s play, a yoyo that experimental would be really interesting to try and I really like the Sleipnir so I’d love to try a Seventh Heaven at some point but I doubt I will ever be able to afford one.

The Septopus though, while perhaps not as exotic as either of the ti yoyos, is designed by the same guy who made the Ti-Walker, which is my favourite yoyo. While I’m not as big of a fan of the other Vs. Newton yoyos I’ve tried (the Sky Walker and Battosai just don’t have the performance I expect), I’ve read a lot of good things about the Septopus and it looks to have an interesting design.

Basically only a Wooly Markmont right now. Mad that I missed the one AaronW sold recently.

Other than that, having a complete set of AMS coated Luftverks would be sweet, but too much money to responsibly spend.

Never been able to get my hands on a yyf 2.0