What's The Yoyo You've Always Wanted???

Hey, This Is a game I’ve seen before on other different forums and it’s what ever yoyo you’ve ever wanted or have (even if it came out before you were born, or if it’s just plainly not made up yet.)

I’ll start
The Duncan Mongu Free Hand Zero

(Just to let you guys know I am still looking to buy one so let me know any offers.)



Just some throws, and by some throws I mean every throw. Every of the throws.

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Clyw Sasquatch


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Something titanium.


Wooly Markmont

CLYW Gnarwal

Macrocosm for its looks and a chief just because of the amazing amount of hype around it.

Peak… Duh :smiley:



General-Yo OG Torrent, First Run 5 Star, and TiWalker. Still looking to buy these so if you have just PM me haha! God Bless - Moefv

MFD Evil-Yo, and now I have one one the way!!!

I’ve wanted a YoYoRecreation Overdrive for quite some time, but have never had enough disposable money to pick one up when I found one for a decent price.

I want a tondo. just to see how it plays. then i’ll sell it.

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The End

OG Peak, pink.

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Every CLYW ever made…

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