Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

tried any possible swapping and there’s nothing good about it

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thank you

the proportions, shape, design, are as expected to be. i don’t have any regret other than the wobble issue. i believe it play as good as the yoyo i reference with when i design it. i still love to play with it even with wobble condition. just hoping it will be smooth for next prototype phase with another manufacturer.

and, thanks to my friend who check the design, he found that the thinnest part of the body was 1.13mm which is too thin. and i found that the outer rim parts are sharp enough to cut when it hit my hand. i’ve fixed it on CAD. and now patiently gather more cash to made some protos on a reliable manufacturer.


A lot of it is probably the guts/bearing seat. Many manufacturers that haven’t done yoyos before mess that part up. Requires a ton of precision

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yep, i think that’s the problem. all yoyos are slightly bent when assembled.

If you are going to remake the prototype, I have heard good things about FPM/Yoyofriends.


another update from monophobia’s journey.

the manufacturer is kind enough and decide to remake it with an additional request on the machining process from me.
and thanks to [THE SUMMIT DOCUMENTARY ] by Onedrop and CLYW, i show them the vids and they seems got the hint about how yoyos made.

hope it’ll come better than the previous batch.

i’ll post it here if there’s any update.


another update for Monophobia

contacted different manufacturer while the previous manufacturer tried to fix the cause of wobble.

this time, the manufacturer is reliable and have made some yoyos from the big yoyo brand you maybe know. (still don’t have the right to mention what brand and the manufacturer. sorry.)
i’ve sen’t them the minor updated version of design i’ve made. it’s rounder on the edge and thicken the most thin parts.

i’ll compare them when the both manufacturer sent it to me.

and, here you go. the 6061 version of Monophobia.
for the yoyo that thave 56mm in diameter and 50mm in width, the weight as seen on the picture they sent to me, is 63.5g assembled.

it surpirsingly light but on the 7075 materials, i think it’ll be around 65g which is my target weight.

i’ve asked them to made the 6061ver and 7075ver so i can compare and decide which materials will go to mass production.

for the new manufacturer, they’ve sent me the video of it and it’s surprisingly smooth. can’t wait for them to send it to me. (anyone know how to attach the video?)

so that’s it. i’ll post another update soon.


Just out of curiosity, around how old are you? (If you don’t want to answer that is okay.)

thanks for asking. i’m 29 this year. kinda busy with work and family and still try to play yoyo. tomorrow i’ll be on Japan Nats International Open div.

wish me luck


How did you get into designing yo-yos?

well… i spent more than 10 hours every day on weekdays in front of computer for work. i just make it for killing time, but i just can’t be satisfied if i didn’t make it real and spin.


What do you do for work?

just office worker lol

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Looks like you took a YYFr Vulture to new heights!

I’m back! Won’t be posting new yo-yos every day like a month ago but I will try to post weekly at least.

Width: 30mm
Diameter: 50mm
Half Weight: 26.6gms
Assembled Weight: ~56.1gms
MMOI: 11024
Bearing: Size C
Body: 6061 Aluminum
Rims: 303 Stainless Steel

*Added threads
*Fixed gap issue


That looks fun. I like slim yo-yos. Reminds me sort of a spyglass but v shaped

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I saw what Onedrop did back in 2016 when they made the Benchmark Series. However that series never got updated, so I decided to make my own version! I proudly present the 2024 Benchmark Series! (Fan Made)

As with the Onedrop series, there is an W,H,O, and V shape.

Common Specs:
Width: 48.2mm
Diameter: 56.75mm
Half Weight: ~30.1gms
Assembled Weight: 63.1gms
Bearing: Size C
Axle: M4 x 8mm x 0.7
Material: 6061 Aluminum


MMOI: 16092.5


MMOI: 14989.2


MMOI: 15970.1


MMOI: 15167.4

Let me know of any thoughts or criticism. I will add more renders in the future.


How did you get such large yoyos to be so light? Also, I’m curious what program you’re using. The 3D renderings look really nice. I may get into design myself if I ever find the time.

The diameter of 56.75mm isn’t really that large in my opinion but I got the yo-yo to be lighter at the sacrifice of a little bit of rim weight.

I use Onshape to design the yoyos and Fusion 360 to render them. Both are free.

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I saw this thread a while back so I thought I would try to experiment with flat rims.

Width: 49mm
Catch Zone: 37.7mm
Diameter: 54mm
Half Weight: ~29.15gms
Assembled Weight: ~61.2gms
MMOI: 16146
Bearing: Size C
Axle: M4 x 10mm x 0.7mm (I think that is the proper way to say it?)
Body Material: 7075 Aluminum
Rim Material: 303 Stainless Steel

Thoughts or criticism anyone?

I also added a little groove for your nail to go in when doing Thumb Grinds. (Although I think I might have made it little bit too small.)