Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

yes! monophobia is on prototype stage!


Jealous. I don’t have the money for a prototype. Congrats!

there’s bunch of manufactures who can do prototype.
you can search and contact them one by one, compare and choose who is best to you.

another update before shipped to my place and do some quality check.


To my knowledge all the manufacturers are $500~ and up and I don’t have that kind of money. Max I could spend might be around $100.


wanted to try my hand at drawing a yoyo. Its pretty much just designed for what I think looks cool, so i dont know if this would even be a playable yoyo lmao

diameter: 56mm
width: 47mm
half mass: 33g
material is 7075 aluminium

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If one half is 33 grams then the yo-yo will be around 68.1 gms (33+33+2.9). If this is what you want this is fine.
What software are you using? Is there a way to calculate the MMOI?
A lot of those edges look very sharp. You might want to add fillets to them if possible.

Overall looks pretty good!

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thanks! im using solidworks, i should add fillets
i didnt realise the bearing and axel would be so heavy, i thought they weight about 0.5-1 gram max lmao, will change that as well
the im not sure the value of the MMOI but using (Y position of centroid / total half height) * 100 i got 60%

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Width: 45mm
Diameter: 50.9mm
Half Weight: 30.9gms
MMOI: 15180
Body: 7075 Aluminum
Rims: 303 Stainless Steel

This was an experiment with a lower diameter yo-yo with more steel on the rims. Was a lot harder to balance the steel’s weight than I thought it would be, and the MMOI turned out lower than I wanted, but I will make a better design on this concept later.


There’s a bimetal 50mm diameter yoyo I did the CAD work for that has an MMOI of 13,318 and a total mass of about 61g. It’s very highly regarded. It’s also D-bearing - but you really have to temper your expectations for what the MMOI can be for smaller yoyos. Diameter is the most important factor for that.


It doesn’t look like there’s much contact between the aluminium body and the steel weight rings there, and the rings themselves protrude quite a lot.

I would think that the lack of contact would result in quite a fragile throw where the rims could easily dislodge. That plus the large protrusion of the rims past the body I think could likely result in vibe or at least a lot of half swapping to tune it if it were actually manufactured.

Someone more experienced in yo-yo design can correct me if I’m wrong though.

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I wonder if the Will, Klondike, Papercut and other yo-yos like that have problems with vibe and half swapping.

I also don’t really know what the minimum amount of contact area for a press fit is.

Yeah I’m not sure what a good rule of thumb would be for minimum contact area. I know Brandon Vu has talked about needing to do half swapping for the Outlier 3 to tune for vibe: https://youtu.be/0tAyzlmu_SM?t=189

Just looking at my Klondike/Toru 0.999 (both of which have noticably protruding outer weight rings), I’d say about 1/2 to 2/3rds of the weight ring is on the body of the yoyo. Maybe ~4mm protruding and ~5mm on the body? Though I’m just judging by eye.

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another update for Monophobia prototype.

finally delivered and do some testing for 10 pieces.
the feels as i expected to be, wide but enough to handle some speed and hop combo.

but unfortunately nothing came as good as a normal yoyo would be. even worse, almost all yoyos that came are wobble.

the yoyo came unassembled, just body and i’ve prepared the pads, axle, bearing and assemble them by myself.

among 10, only about 4 yoyos are able to spin with terrible vibe. you can play it but it feels like it has dropped from 2nd floor and got the wobble. even worse than any b grade yoyos that some big brand sell.

kinda unfortunate thing that happened to me, but hope you can learn that it’s okay to spend more to manufacture that have experience with yoyo production rather than go cheap with a random manufacture.


Awesome that you got the prototypes! Must be so cool to hold something you designed in your hands even though it doesn’t work as you hoped. On that note, unfortunate that the yoyos were not machined with enough precision to be smooth.

Have you tried swapping halves to see if you can get something smoother?

Width: 48mm
Diameter: 58mm
Half Weight: 30gms
MMOI: 18104
Body: Titanium Grade 5
Rings: Brass


Sorry to hear about the wobble issues.

How about everything else? Even with the wobble, can you tell whether the proportions, shape etc. match your goals?

IIRC, there’s a “Let’s Cut A Yoyo” video that Jake Gross did (I think might have been linked in this thread too maybe at some point), comparing these two yoyos. YYFr specifically mentioned some technique the design utilized to improve the durability with respect to that minimal area of contact the rings would have.

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