Wait, are we talking about YYF, YYF, or YYF?
They claim the F stands for Factory if that helps clarify.
Ah, so we aren’t talking about F as in Friends or F as in Freaks?
To clarify, we are talking about Yoyo Factory? Not Yoyo Friends nor Yoyo Freaks?
The YYF in which we are speaking controversially about is Yoyo Factory
You have come to the correct conclusion.
Thank you for clarifying. I’d be horrified if I blamed YYF or YYF for something that YYF did. Also, Idk what YYF(actory) did (or didn’t?) do. I’m sure I have an idea, but the second I see YYF, my eyes start blurring.
never heard of yoyo freaks but i thought ppl differentiated yoyo friends by abbreviating it to YYFr from what I’ve seen
I had also forgotten about YYFreaks when I was discussing this with someone, and boy howdy did my argument become even more rock solid.
Also, that differentiation is not a hard rule; it tends to be more of an unspoken guideline that nobody knows. Honestly, I don’t even pay attention anymore if I see a ‘F’ appended to two ‘Y’. Life’s too short.
To make matters worse, I’m almost positive there’s another (ie fourth) YYF
YoYoFreaks had some pretty cool stuff. There was a really fun POM called the Sharp, and they had a sick undersized bi-metal called the Hashtag that was pretty solid. Their big thing was the “hundred series” where they would only make one run of each model, limited to 100 pieces only, and never made again afterwards.
Wait. Is this the racism controversy I remember being discussed last year? I thought that was YoyoFriends
Nope, that was all YoYoFactory.
There’s a lot to unpack there, but it’s honestly not hard to find.
No the individual thrown out of the event was YYF Ben. I don’t think the other YYFs have Ben’s but if they do I’m sure they are lovely or at least haven’t been thrown out of events for saying racist things.
Fair, but also, in fairness, not everybody knows everybody who works/is-sponsored by/across all three/four YYF companies. Some, such as myself, aren’t into throwing as a sport, but something to fun to do and enjoy the immediate community and some just like really dope throws…
Also, I’m going to assume we haven’t switched vendors and by YYF we are still talking about YoyoFactory
That’s terrifying
that’s some doomsday looking sky
owned not worked for.
At least Hans and his Dad.