Yoyo Boomers Club

Stay safe dude. That looks scary.


Yeah. That looks so freaky.

That BPT sticker is a must have! :+1:

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I was under the impression that they worked for Playmaxx. The Playmaxx family is still active on Ebay and has an insta page of old stock that did not go to Duncan.

Also BPT, cork pads, were invented/created by Hans. That I know for absolute certain.

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One last release for Friday – Shadow Kasms! This is a re-run from way back when Kasms first came out, and was a pretty unique compared to the other bright and colourful runs. Here is your chance grab one!

Also dropping on Friday January 24 at noon and 8pm Eastern


I somehow ended up with one of these through a BST. Didn’t realize how rare they were, but they look incredibly cool in person!

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BTW I’ve created a coupon code BOOMBOOM (effective now until the end of March) which gives free shipping for orders $40+. This coupon is only available through yoyo boomers club channels, as an appreciation for you guys for keeping responsive yoyoing alive in this day and age!


Thank you Wayne!!! My wishlist is pretty big at the moment with these exciting releases! Haha!

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I have 2 “extra” packs of strings I need to get rid of. One is a 3 pack of Jazz Emulsions from a canceled order, and one is a 3 pack of B-Grade Calla Lily Nectars. They’re B-Grade because a bit of extra thread got tangled in each. I’ve removed much of it, and they should play fine.

I’m looking for $8 for the Emulsions and $5 for the Nectars. I’ll toss in a free Butterfly Cap Sticker with each, or a free Flat Hex Gummy Counterweight if someone picks up both.

$5 shipping.

Offering here before I put up in BST.

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Best logo ever. Lol

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I was saving for a laser engraver, but when my car died that went out the window.


Cars sound like such a pain—this is gonna be me fr fr.


Oh ■■■■, here come dat boi


Yeah I’m not sure if Tom and/or Hans is running the Playmaxx insta and eBay now, but they bought Playmaxx from Don Duncan Jr. and owned it up until they sold to Duncan. That’s when Hans and Ben started YYF. I don’t know, or never heard, if Ben worked for Playmaxx.

Duncraft became Playmaxx and as far as I know was owned by Don until he sold to Duncan. I could be wrong. I don’t know who Kilee & Chloe are, however they appear to run the current Playmaxx Ebay/Insta store.

Ben did work for Playmaxx and was on the pro team. He had a Vid-E-Yo edition TBB.

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Yeah, Duncraft, then Duracraft and then finally Playmaxx. Didn’t know that about Ben. But I do know that Tom and Hans owned Playmaxx at a one point, before they were sold to Duncan. Or maybe they were part owners with Don Jr. Hans did an interview about it a while back. But I met Tom years ago and he was known as the owner of Playmaxx.


I wasn’t sure and had nothing to go on. However, I did suspect that Tom was an owner or investor. So, this confirms that they indeed were. I just assumed that if they had owned Playmaxx, Duncan would have requested a non-compete when they purchased Playmaxx, even if only temporary. Hans and Ben started YYF soon after.

My understanding from Ben’s comments are that Hans is the majority holder of YYF.

Funny thing is, there are people on this forum that were involved in YoYo professionally in the late 90’s that know the details. I doubt they will comment. Entertaining discussion for me though. :slight_smile:

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They are the grandkids of whoever owns what’s left of the playmaxx stuff they are raffling. (One of the old former owners not sure which) They don’t like me much and blocked me.

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Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for the discussion, but regarding the cork pad uncertainties, the past proven (I’m pretty sure) way to check for ungodliness is the “float test”.

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