Yoyo Boomers Club

I love this idea! Russell’s are still my third favourite fixed axle after mine and Glens, and the brand I’ve spent the most time throwing overall. The whole point of the Slim Dude was to create the play feel of an 80s Russell that does 0A tricks. If there’s anything that I can do to contribute, I’d be happy to help.

1st choice: Black rims, gold caps with black face.
2nd choice: Gold rims, blue caps with red face

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Severely OT.


this thread and g2 discord

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Also the Facebook page and the Instagram.

Posted this in the meme thread, figured y’all would get a kick out of it.


OK, I THINK I captured everyone’s suggestions for the Russell Kasm YYBC special.
This is going to be a quick turn, voting will likely close either tomorrow night or Monday if we can stretch it. For those interested, please let us know what you would like to see.

0 voters

Workhorse v.1 PIF has arrived!


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I’m gonna have to get some Throw-Yo stuff made up!


@rkalajian That’s your new wallpaper, right there.


@Captrogers I’m closing this at this point so you can get back to LI.
Looks like we have a winner, the Old School Jazz Cup.
When you have time, please feel free to reach out to your peeps and see if they would be willing to take on this colorway? :slight_smile:

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I love this!

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I’ll take my Ph.D in Graphic Design now, please.

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Maybe one more cat meme…

(I made this in the iPhone picture editor thingy… I can’t make text bigger or smaller)


What did you guys think of the old Duncan Butterfly AL?

I liked it a whole lot. (My brother had one) but he recently sold his. I miss it a little bit. :rofl:


I have both versions of the AL butterfly like them both

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I haven’t tried the one with the delrin cap. But it looks fun as well!


I like that first edition better than the second. I gave mine to a friend and I miss it at times but at the same time I remember feeling like it was a tad heavy for a responsive. It plays very well with a narrow C bearing. Very well. :smiley:

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Good to know… Duncan restocked the unknown Butterfly Al’s. :tada:

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I just bought the last one. :smiley:
I totally love the hiss the OG AL makes with a dry narrow bearing. I replaced the pads with yellow YYF pads and it had snappy response but the string in Trapeze could still slide back and forth in the gap really well.

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