Yoyo Boomers Club

The why. We made a yoyo that takes weight rings shouldn’t we show that off


No “:point_up:” react, so :point_up:

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As much as i would love to have a pack of 5 different rings come with every workhorse or bought buy us and resold as an accessory . The logistics and finances aren’t really supporting doing either of those at the moment. Best we could do is maybe offer one ring option with the yoyo and give folks the dimensions and links to where they could source more if desired.

Making one set of rings optional also isn’t really all that appealing from a numbers perspective as we would most likely end up either ordering less than folks want or more likely ending up with a stock of rings we can’t offload and would throw into future orders anyway just to get rid of them.


Enclose an info packet with the size o-ring that woks and possible sources is then the way to go. None of this can be someone’s full time job as a public service.

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So the “special” strings weren’t in my box with the v2, I just put a normal Kitty on it and the response is perfect for me. Emphasis on “for me.” It’s no where near as responsive as the v1. My v1 is breaking in close to the new v2 though.

They’re both great and I’m glad we got this thing going and made, thanks again @G2_Jake for the production!


I actually slapped a Throw-Yo Ink on the v2, and it cut the responsiveness down for me, though I didn’t feel it was too responsive with a normal poly string.

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So which Throw Yo string should we include with production?

The previous woody wagon did not hit the mark it seems?

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I would suggest Elixirs or Inks, 8cP.

My new string recipe is also MUCH easier to string up, which should relieve a lot of frustration people were having with the woody wagon strings that came with the v2.

As of the 1st of September, I won’t even be offering Ethers or Solvents anymore. I’ll be focusing purely on my premium lines.


what im seeing is i need to get in on the new throw you string i think i haven’t tried the latest of any of the current line yet.

also apparently i ended up with 4 pifs all at once some for months without realizing it. i think im gonna hold off on taking more pay it forwards till i can get my stuff in order.

on the topic of pay it forwards im sending my workhorse and some other cool stuff to alex morton and he is gonna pass it around to a few folks on his team before it makes it back to me which will be cool to give it a little expsure that way.


Oooooo man I am jonesing for the production Work Horse. Although I don’t see myself ever using weight rings with it, I’m fine with incurring a slightly higher cost if the club decides to include them in every package.


I am thinking this has the beautiful makings for my Yoyo Wall. Enclosed Patio.


I was super busy theis weekend.

Happy 1 Year Old to the Yoyo Boomer Club!


! year! My how time flies. I thank you all for the great times!


And what a year it has been. Congrats on creating such an awesome thing dude! Whodathunk a silly joke could turn into something so amazing and beneficial to the community.


and thank you to you and the other founders for giving all of us a space to call home, especially for those of us without a local club to be involved with! sense of community is everything and i think yybc contributes to that in a BIG way, at least for me


I wholeheartedly agree with all of that!!


Happy one year. Let’s make the next just as good


I pulled off a few legitimate finger spin’s this evening!! I’m pretty stoked about that!! But I’m ashamed to admit that now I want to learn the……DNA. :pensive::scream:


Awesome I’ve done a dna a few times but I’m not consistent enough to do it in public. Now ask me how many kick flips I’ve done


heck yea, you def should! i don’t care what anyone says, it looks kool and it’s fun to do! :partying_face: