Yoyo Boomers Club

I think if there is anything to gain from looking back at all that has been accomplished this year so far… we have all seen the advantages of encouraging one another. :smiley::+1:


How DARE you show me that AND the Grunts. I’m in danger now.

Is that the file I sent you for the engraving? Looked good and worked?


Long time not being part of the boomers,

I was making a lot of designs recently, so i made one for responsive too
ForYoSa - 3DBoomer

im not sure how the responsive standards go, my gap is around 2mm.


That looks fun!


I’ve had the V1 Workhorse proto for two weeks, so it’s time to pay it forward.

Very short review: I really enjoyed throwing it, and I would buy one in a heartbeat. I love the color as well.

First one to claim it gets it next. Reply in the thread, not by PM, so there’s no confusion.

(Edit: Holding off on passing this on for a bit longer, with Cody’s permission. See below. I’ll post again in a few weeks to get the next recipient.)


Haha. Not today temptation…. Maybe next month


Man now I really wish I had a printer


This one might get stalled out by club participation in ONE July. I’ll take it and hold onto it for a while, unless someone wants to play it in July.

I could combine the PIF with the Dead ‘Orse. Who owns both of these? @Pun1sh3R or @Captrogers?


Dead ‘Orse is @Pun1sh3R

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Both of the boomer pif are Cody

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I don’t think dead ‘orse is technically a pif yet, is it? I know a few of us were going to try it but I don’t know if @Pun1sh3R is wanting an open PIF. I could be wrong though


Right now there are 2 Boomer PIFs.

  1. Workhorse v.1 @induction The 2 week requirement was for initial review. You can keep it longer if you wish. I would say no more than a Month.
  2. Dead 'Orse - TryCatchThrow has it right now. But it is open to the club.

I would like to keep them separated. That way the v.1 Deadhorse can continue to move to those that want to play. Just incase a player wants to try the Dead 'Orse and has already played with the v.1.

v.2 Workhorse PIF will go out as soon as I get it. So stay tuned for that one.


Thank you for the clarification!

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Thanks, @Pun1sh3R. I’ll keep it for a little longer before I send it on.


Here’s some feedback on @Pun1sh3R’s Dead ‘Orse for @Glenacius_K.

I’ve been playing the Dead ‘Orse for a week now and I really love it. It’s got tons of personality. My first impressions were that the diameter could have been even bigger, but after spending some time with it I’m really into the size of the cup and the thickness of the rims, so I wouldn’t change anything about it. It handles just about every 0A trick I throw at it. It’s nice and wide for backhand balance, it accomplishes pull starts very easily, it can fingerspin with finesse, and the rims are super grabbable for fixie 5A or other tricks where you catch the throw. Whenever you make more, I’m buying. Two thumbs up :+1::+1:


Oh hell yeah. I needa throw dat horse.

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So random question. But what is up with all the Horse names? Like are you all My Little Pony fans or what? Also if I had joined sooner would I have named the Moth the Donkey and then I be selling Donkey Ballz instead of Moth Ballz. :thinking:


Ahhhh. The power of… What if…


can’t it be both :face_with_monocle:


If you make some exclusive to the club, I vote Donkey Ballz for sure.