Yoyo Boomers Club

Funny you say this. Whittling a yoyo is on my next camping to-do list.

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After practicing regens this week and watching Ed’s videos I’m finally hitting trapeze stalls regularly with my RBC!

I could hit the trapeze and various fly outs no problem but getting it to stall and then regen was more tricky.
I guess staying up until midnight watching yoyo videos does payoff!!


Ooh, I’ve carved a few knuckle rollers in the past. Was thinking of carving some counterweights too. Just need to figure out the best way to add some weight to them.

I never thought to carve a yo-yo, but that could be fun! :grin:


Awesome I will gladly help if anything is ever needed just no capacity to run anything like that

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But but whyyyy?? :flushed: I mean i get vinyl, the sound is objectively and quantifiably different and an accurate representation of the original sound. Why cassette tapes? Why would you want to? I’m so confused

I’ll certainly accept help once I get things migrated and setup on my end!


They were/are(?) super popular around here with the lo/fi garage bands who were chasing that sound in production.
A lot of times I would hear of bands recording through digital means then dubbing through a tascam 4 or 8 track cassette machine for that warbly goodness.

I also think it’s a nostalgic thing, lots of the young folk look at cassettes they way we did vinyl in the 90’s.

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There was a Marketplace piece that talked about why cassettes are tapes are popular:

The tl;dr is that the barrier to entry is lower:

Vinyl often requires a minimum order of 100 to 500 records. Even a small vinyl order can end up costing a band around $1,000 minimum. Meanwhile, a new pack of five 90-minute tapes costs around $13 on Amazon. A cheap duplicator runs about $65.


Well that makes sense vs other physical mediums I’m just shocked anyone wants a physical thing anymore. Or frankly, for that matter I’m always surprised to hear that in this day and age anyone still listens to that many songs in a row from the same band lol

Nostalgia is a powerdul drug so that i get.

I’m an album guy, especially if I’m a fan of the artist.
There’s nothing like the journey of a well thought out album imo.


I tend to order albums from artists if they offer signed versions. I have Apple Music, but it’s neat to have a piece from the band itself.


I used to. I think Tool was the last band i listened to like that. After streaming became i thing, i literally go outta my way not to hear the same artist 2 songs in a row


Pay it Forwards are something that could be problematic during 1 July. If someone who is participating has a PIF that’s an issue. If somebody who isn’t participating gets it then no problem. That’s something we may want to address prior. :thinking:


I’m also worried about any BST’s that might come in, but that’s part of the challenge, the little devil on your shoulder.


If you haven’t yet, give King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard a go. They have a ton of albums that are all quite well thought out in my opinion. I would say either start with I’m in Your Mind Fuzz (garagey surfy psych) or just pick the art you like best and if you hate it try another one. They have a lot of variety and sound pretty different album-to-album.


Oh I know them well, been a fan since 2016, seen them 8 times and will see them 6 times this year!


Yeah as someone planning to start the flying lemon pif around July that feels like a mean thing to do lol also the limited duration soy pif


Did I hear YYBC historical yoyo society? Partnership with throwyo x yoyo archive for maintaining yoyo history? No idea what I’m saying ignore me :wink:


I want in on both of those… after July of course :joy:


Excellent! Wish I could make it to any of the shows this year but it’s not in the cards at the moment. I saw them 4 times previously and being a KGLW fan got me into a bunch of tangential bands as well. Also vinyl, and eventually I got into tapes too but that’s also partially from being into music/audio equipment in general.

Unfortunately my VHS machine is down lol