Yoyo Boomers Club

Bro really said “nah, I’d win.”

I’ve been in the fence. It would be easy for me to choose fixed and continue on what I’m already doing… or do I challenge myself and go Obsession+ for an entire month?!


That Obsession + keeps coming up. It looks really good. I’m certain I’ll be rocking the amazing Dreamland.

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I usually pick my unresponsives based on wether or not they can kick flip. I like to mix fixie elements into my unresponsive play. Grab something like an end 2 or Cenote. That size and shape lend themselves very well to 0a type play, but…. Unresponsive.


It’s a really amazing unresponsive. The only other unresponsive I’ve considered buying was the Apathy, but now they’re sold out.

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Unless I get something rad for Father’s Day, I’ll probably be using my Pilgrim for Just One July.


Panorama would be great for that.


I’m planning on winning sport division at nats so I don’t really have a choice lol


Word! Yes! It absolutely is!

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Hate when that happens. The finish on all of those Obsessions+ is so stunning.

It’s a lot of pressure, for sure! I will have to hide all my yoyos except the one I play. This month should be interesting.


Can I get some opinions on this? I’m curious what the consensus is.


Idk I keep waffling on saying I’ll use a cheating yoyo like that. Mod44 seems like the ultimate cheat unless I say I’ll only throw it in one configuration

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Velocity would be good for this I think

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I think it would make sense to say the same yoyo in the same configuration for a whole month


If you pick something like the El Mijo which comes with the different options… it’s still only 1 yo-yo. So good to go in my book. This reminds me… someone around here has a reputation for making unresponsive yo-yos responsive…:thinking::rofl:

  • One yoyo same config
  • one yoyo but config can change
0 voters

I wish I had a D bearing mod 44. It would literally be capable of becoming any yoyo I want

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Oh its on now!!!

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Well i was gonna say that challenge sounds fun and can i be a boomer so i can participate. Then it occurred to me it isnt much of a challenege for me because i only own 2 and only play with 1 anyway :rofl: So can i just be a boomer anyway?