Yoyo Boomers Club

3DEEP. Do want.

3D printed ode to the Deep State, side-effects compatible.

I guess One Drop consulted on it’s creation. Doesn’t come with Side Effects. Apparently it’s aluminum rings and an axle to start.


If that plays anywhere near a Deep State… it’s something that I would definitely feel compelled to own. :flushed:

I’m hoping YYE will get them. Shipping is rough where it’s currently being sold.

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Was just looking at that.

I am not sure “Side Effect Compatible” is accurate.

More along the lines of we use side effects in the manufacturing of these.

Looks like their prints have gotten better.


What do you think of it? Did you post thoughts on it somewhere and I can’t remember?

I wouldn’t have sold that myself. 3d printing is a pain at times cause overhangs like that can get messy for all kinds of little reasons.

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I have not reviewed or posted thoughts on it before.

Its a fun, silky (feel of the 3D print), little viby throw.

To expand on the side effects, I am not comfortable trying to push them out of the 3D Print. “Could” they come out, Yes. Will the yoyo halves stay intact? I dont know, I am ignorant to the structure in this area. I “Feel” if any of the layers seperate in this process, the yoyo is toast.


I’ve gotta say that the pics on the site look a bit less splintery than this one.

I assume they have increased their quality on printing.

I have had this one for a while now. Maybe a year?

How is it on the string? 45g is in that too light danger zone for me, but I know design can play a big end result in how light it feels as well.

I posted this on instagram last night. Posting here in case anyone here wants to take it over :pray:



May I join the kool adults club too?


I feel like this is certainly something that the community would regret losing. If not now, the impact would certainly be felt in the future. This is also probably a fairly large endeavor for any one individual to tackle alone.
In this club’s infancy there has been speculation about what we may become. If we collectively feel like we are here to stay and if we all wish to positively affect the future of this community, then if it is something that can be agreed upon, and if there are some who can honestly commit time to this, then I can’t imagine many things more impactful than taking on the responsibility of preserving this historical archive. I feel like it’s something that should be given some serious consideration. As an organization it is hoped that we would have the stay and rotating manpower to keep something like this around for the foreseeable future. Just a thought. It’s possibility quite a bit to take on. I mean I really don’t know about these things… thoughts?


Wellllll……you can do a Kick Flip…:rofl:

If there were enough people interested I’d add them as admins. It’s around $60 a year, as of now, to keep the site up. I’d love to stay involved, but like you said it’s too much for one person.


I’ve reached out via DM on Insta.


It is on the “Light” side. It does play well actually for 0A with stalls. Not the longest spin time if you are interested in the 1A side of the fence. Its not very forgiving balance wise, and if you rub string on the walls, she will tilt and your done. But fun and challenging.

Mine isn’t a show pony. But I enjoy playing it from time to time. Other yoyos win out play time more often than this one is thrown.

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I could’ve sworn you drank the koolaid a few weeks back. Maybe I’m trippin’.

Either way,

Welcome, boomer!


Welcome to the club Ms. Pyro. You have been added to the member list in the first post.