Yoyo Boomers Club

Can confirm, am a Millennial, but sometimes I just want these dang kids to get off my lawn… So I can throw some sick and rad yoyo tricks, in peace


Don’t post that. I don’t need a reminder that I have to keep scrolling further and further down the list when I sign up for things. I’m scared, things are changing, I have problems I didn’t before. It’s too much!

But that skews just how I thought. Cool to see those demographics!


I know how you feel.

Also fun milestone we ended MRM breaking 100 YouTube subscribers. Didn’t even notice we got that little mark.


At 61, I’m part of that 0% indicated in the 55 to 64 range.

No purple Yo-Yo, No purple bar? When others have so many. :no_mouth:


I’m older than 55. Never mind. The graph didn’t load completely and there where missing data points.


I’m older than -20000 and younger than 20000. Hope that helps :person_shrugging:


Going Live in 4 hours.

Topic: YYBC
Time: Apr 3, 2024 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 4735 9508
Passcode: 392430


I will try to be there


Things changed a bit so I should be there. :smiley:


Welcome to the Club

I’ll be on, just like 15-20 mins late this time

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Might also be a lil late as well

Meeting is Live

I got called by a client that they had trouble with the wifi. They’re not savvy. I had to go. Hope it was fun!

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My tablet battery died

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So recap of club online meet.

We will start getting a bit more selective with sponsors going forward (basically reel me back a tad and focus on quality over quantity. )

We are going to look at shifting from from doing every event too to bottom to powering events and helping others run things. While still planning to host and fully run FAF and MRM and continuing with our current plans for 2April. 5a may is on the table but we haven’t fully flushed that out if anyone is interested in doing stuff for that reach out.

Would we do a offtober probably not but we would help run an event for that. Similarly we would be willing to help partner on something 1A related for end of year but we wouldn’t run it just operationally support and use the platform we have to help facilitate. Diablo December???

Club drink rule if you have a drink it should be a different drink every meet up to share thoughts on.

Club yoyo rule you don’t have to bring a yoyo but it is a yoyo club we might actually do some tricks. (We where doing kick flips at the end)

Workhorse v2 color choice still pending heavy argument between purple and blue

Midlife crises unres design soonish???

Something about using funds to reimburse Captnrogers it got votes I am humbled by this and appreciate the offset of the logistics.

Working on budget for FAF and mrm so we can support next year out of available funds.

Need to have someone operate as treasurer not related to G2 or throw yo

Working on after action report for FAF and mrm

2april is real and it’s coming

Working on survey for FAF and mrm participants, sponsors and volunteers

If I missed something just keep adding


I missed a good one. I’m upset I missed because of a lost wifi driver, but I’m glad so much got done!


I promise it wasn’t me!


5a may is something I can get behind

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Yup. I’m more than willing to help with 5a May. Maybe we rope in @ENGLISH_TEA