Yoyo Boomers Club

Are Side Effects a possibility, and are big ole spike Side Effects a possibility?

I think @G2_Jake would have to license usage from One Drop or something.


I don’t think OD would do any particularly big spikes but my wish list is side effects. I know Jake had mentioned doing an SE throw at some point. Would be kinda neat. YYBC+G2+OD making the greatest yo-yo to ever happen.


I think OD have free use of the SE design as long as the SE’s themselves are bought from them. I’ll have to check.


SE is always a plus, but if you’re asking me personally, stability has been an issue for me when throwing Organics, however, it is entirely possible this is either skill issue or a “I like to take my time but organics prefer chaos” issue

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I love organics but I love them more when they have big lips and a wider stance, like the Essence.


i would be willing to even go toward a stepped organic make it mildly more modern.

Side effects will increase the cost but the YYBC x G2 x OD recognition would be epic and might be worth it. then the argument of flats domes spikes is a non issue cause we can do what we want and even change center weight a tad.

I love me some weight rings i really really do. If the inner rim had the ability to take a weight ring i would be cool with that or if one could smoosh between the double rim. either way im all for weight rings on all the YYBC yoyos but you’ll have to drop the weight a tad if we go that route and a undersized yoyo would be rough so we would want to go full size or even slightly over sized to compensate.

maybe im wrong though. im all for whatever we choose to do but i think it needs to be a minimum a modified organic shape


Weight rings + Brass SEs == HEAVY GOD.


Beryllium copper weight rings.


that also sounds like it be not cheap. if we are going brass SE i want brass rings as an option. might as well go all in if we gonna go for broke. which is what yall are gonna make me


I’m down for this. I’m not familiar with too many of these.

I have noticed that Organics with an inner rim tend to be more stable imo, so that would also be on my wish list. Inner rim COULD pair nicely with adding weights to the rim, another point I’d be down for as long as the throw’s play style changed with/out add-in weights.

I have not yet been fortunate enough to be able to significantly change SEs whether the issue being that they are in stock/on BST when I don’t have money or when I have money but they are nowhere to be found. OR I’m just not quick enough on the BST.

This is true but I think knowing the target demographic will play into it’s inclusion. Enough for a small, niche club in a niche hobby? Unless the vote is overwhelmingly positive/unanimous, I’d be just as happy without them if it significantly reduces cost. If it’ll be a significantly sizable run where the cost can be spread amongst more people, I’d be down for SE. I just with SEs themselves weren’t so hard to come buy

Dihydrogen Monoxide weighted rings.

Anyone remember these?


i was beat out twice last year on getting one off of the BST. its still on my one day list.


That is a very volatile thing. Caused over 2.5 Million Deaths in the last decade. Not sure we want that on our yoyo.


If we can’t have the deadliest weight rings on the planet, then why even throw?

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Not for the faint of heart. We will have to get some legalese disclaimer about a mile long with this throw.

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Screw it. Tungsten yoyo with platinum rings (with magnesium Side Effects)

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Of course we’re going to have to specifically add “DO NOT INGEST WEIGHTED RINGS” on the box because all them dang youngsters

They gotta cut their teeth on something!