Yoyo Boomers Club

I could get behind something like that.


I totally understand.

Anything with the dimple would not be doable.

For example; Here is a Take A Part Harbinger.


The wood from the Kangaroo Tree results in far too much bounce at the end of the string to be usable in any fashion. Though they do travel well in a pouch…:thinking:


i like take apart yoyos but for wood im fine with a solid well-made piece. I also have several options so its rare that i would wear out any one yoyo and if i really did that just gives me a restoration project.


This is correct.

@AaronW, if I were to make take aparts, most of my designs are not really doable. I have make take apart KNacks before, but I feel they were actually worse for longevity because the wall between the hardware and dimple needed to be so thin.

If I focussed on hole-throigh designs like TMBR yoyos, I could make take aparts easily. But for me, design is more important than the ability to take it apart.

Non-take apart fixed axle yoyos should last years under normal use.


Yeah, dont treat your Wood Fixies like I did…


Ah that looks to be a 1/4" walnut axle. These are very susceptible to breaking. It was the motivation for me to go with 8mm axle diameters insead.


I’m not so sure about a KNack in exclusive wood, guys… Maybe. It does seem a bit odd to me to make someone’s signature yoyo in a club exclusive variant.

Can you huys think of any new design you might like? Pictures are helpful however scrawled they come.


I’m not officially a Boomer member - although maybe I should be? (I have trouble keeping up with various groups lol). But I just want to say that @GnarlyCharlie was sharing pics of his SW Stuff Up on the FAC Discord and it looks really cool! Was that an upcoming model or just a mess around? There’s something there.

Yeah I don’t need it to be a knack just the things we are familiar with. Do you have any thoughts on what you want to do? I really guess I like the idea of a bloodcell roundness that’s just wider and specifically a bigger catch area and i like dark wood. feel free to interpret that how you wish.


It’s difficult to improve upon excellence Glen.


Gosharootie. I’m in.


My original thought was a Stuff Up but with a subtle finger spin dimple. A rim like on the Button would be cool to incorporate too, but idk, maybe that’s too much going on.


I love my stuff up. I think the only thing that would possibly make it better would be a dimple. I wondered about adding the rim too. I think it could be cool.

Edit: Although, I like the six hole response I have in my harbinger better than the four hole response on the stuff up.


I know that I was sad that I didn’t have the funds to get a Stuff Up. I would totally be down for that.

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Remember these will be 1 piece designs. No holes for responce.


@Glenacius_K Curious to hear your thoughts on having a tighter gap on a one piece Stuff Up since it wouldn’t have response holes. Or maybe just a tighter gap in the lower 1/3 close to the axle.

My Apollo and No Jive tend to have very consistent response without the need for response holes. Do you think that’s due to the smaller axle diameter or the tightness of the gap near the axle? Or maybe neither. I defer to your opinion on the matter.

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Oh, right! Slipped my mind

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Here’s a couple comparison shots that I shared on the Fixed Axle Discord @Xanadu was referring to.