Yoyo Appraisal Thread

Our community has been screwed over and those bad apples just cause caution to the wind. So for an individual such as yourself to have such wonders it will cause some to error on the side of caution and question such things. With the only way to communicate here being text, intentions and tone can sometimes be lost in translation and other times the individual does not know how to speak civil. Regardless, it’s an awesome community and we are happy to have you.


I’m not painting you, I’m asking you, because I find circumstances strange, what is it, can’t you?
You remember the name of a shop but not that of one of the holy grails of the yoyo world, nor of its producers … an Anti-yo BSP (extremely curious name), a titanium yoyo, a material that at the time practically no one used (yoyojam for a very rare model in 2004 and I believe no other ah, Kyo … very rare material in this area), a treatment on the cup never heard before (zirconium nitrate), a very limited edition (75 pieces), which has made it become in a few minutes (not days) one of the forbidden dreams for the majority of enthusiasts, a sort of meteorite that has fallen to the ground, which some have been chasing for years without success … you have 4! and … you don’t even know the name or at least the manufacturer.
Will you let me have some doubts?
There are so many people who have bought so much stuff and spent tons of money here (YoyoBrothers, TotalArtist, etc.) but if in ten years of silence they would come here and call me a BSP as “I have no idea of ​​those in gold / silver” … I would seriously worry about their health.
But ok!


Actually I know yoyobrothers bought a collection at a time back in the day and there was difficulty knowing what can’t with them at times so he would have trouble

The BSP as you said was limited. If it was a lot that was bought then there’s a high chance you wouldn’t know what it was either since there’s no identifying marks


I think it’s just caution. Nobody has a reason to think you’re a thief beyond a suspicion, so offer them what you can if they need it for their safety, like references or explanations. I don’t think your selling options are being limited.


There could also be some language and culture misinterpretations going on if that helps some understanding.

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this is true and it can happen for lots of objects that were made long enough before your passion … lots that maybe someone sells, absolutely in a legitimate way, who is not even very informed about what is inside … always talking about YoyoBrothers, the very famous Peak (not even on those yoyos were there any identifying marks of the model or manufacturer) suitcase comes to mind … all very rare, I would first say unique pieces, that the wife of an unfortunate and well-known collector, who died at a young age for health reasons, gave in … she certainly she was not as passionate as her poor husband, so she did not know the exact value … but a minimum of knowledge of what she was, she had it, and YoyoBrothers had it too, despite her “young passion” because in any case they were very special objects.
In the event that YoyoBrothers had wanted to sell them immediately, and this had raised suspicions to some ill-trusting and bad enthusiast like me, the same YoyoBrothers, as a new enthusiast, would certainly have had no problem explaining that everything came from the recent purchase of a lot he knew little about.
Question, answer, end.
but I don’t think he would have started his first post with:
“I’ve honestly been out of it for so long”
Or am I wrong?

How should I have started my post?

"To whom it may concern,

I recently robbed the International Bank Of Yo-Yos and you won’t believe what I got!"


I don’t care how long these take to sell, I’m in no rush. Do you think I’d be trying to figure out the value of them if I wanted to get rid of them quickly? No, I’d put them in a lot for X amount.

Yes, I don’t have a lot of knowledge on these. Hence the reason I asked for ballpark figures. They were purchased because I thought they were cool. Ti is cool, design is cool, colors are cool. I didn’t meticulously read up on the brand(s). I bought them, I said cool I get to open another box and away they went.

I am trying to be informed, again; there’s a reason I made this post and this account on here. And some extremely nice, courteous and knowledgeable people have helped me out immensely.

What’s is strange to you? That I have 80 Yo-Yo’s and don’t know their history? Guess what!? The only reason I know the names of these is because it’s printed on it, how am I to know what an object without any markings is? I bought this out of boredom, not as an investment.


Don’t take it personally. It doesn’t happen every day. You haven’t done anything wrong, and I’d be surprised if no one showed up to question the situation.


Im in them pms my friend. How much how much.

@persson is a good dude but this isn’t the first time misunderstandings have occurred that I believe are partly because of language (English is 2nd for him), and partly because he can be very strong with his opinions.

@SR1 can vouch for you, that’s great, but if someone doesn’t know your rep, can’t they be forgiven for being a bit skeptical? (And dude, @SR1, that’s not being a clown)

After all, it wasn’t too long ago that multiple people got ripped off here, by @Enjoit, who I had good dealing with in the past but that didn’t save the folks he recently ripped off.


Price check on a mint in box gold YYF 401k. To my knowledge these are more rare than other 401ks.

Also price check on a mint in package FAST 201 gold edition.

If anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


I’ve heard they were only given out as prizes for winners of YoYo contest from that time period. So my estimate is over $200 since the others MIB are selling between $125 -$170.


This post seems to say they were also sold via physical retail stores:

Still, quite rare. @vegabomb had one at one point and I seem to recall a gold one coming up before somewhere within the last year/two but can’t seem to find it anymore.

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Price check on this Pure? I believe it is a VSOP Pure but I’m not entirely sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Scratch that, I was thinking this was not standard but it looks like they did a version with polished rims.

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Not looking to sell this, just curious what it’s worth. Very smooth, no marks that I’ve seen.

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yes, absolutely a standard VSOP.
certainly an object that is not easy to find and certainly of collector’s interest. I would say above $ 200 for sure, even $ 250 plus $ 40 at least if complete with packaging.
Then also here it depends a lot on the interest of the parties.
To give you a reference, there is a very rare version made in very few pieces with the rim of the catch zone not polished but colored with gold pad printing, yoyobrothers sold it two or three years ago at this price.

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It sold Summer 2020 and went for less than $425, just FYI :wink:


if you know why it’s yours now, I send you my most sincere congratulations!!!
How about the price of the standard VSOP, can it be corrected to date? Thanks.

Difficult to say … there are no recent exchanges of this model that at least I remember … the aluminum and “economic” model of the Catch 22 in practice.
Take it with caution … I’d say around $ 100 but maybe someone will correct me if I’m wrong.