your worst yoyo accident?

I was yoyoing outside with my red dv888. I had just put in a new response and was kind of grippy, i threw a hard one but didnt like it so i brought it back up to my hand, didnt catch it and hit me in bottom of jaw. Cut it and started to bleed and bruised for a couple of days. Not a fun time

My speedmaker gap is so small the string always gets stuck so one time i threw it down and it hit me in the head haha.

I swear my protostar hurts more than my metals. Back in 3 months ago i was shooting a video with me protostar doing stuff like plastic whip, was binding my bind finger got caught in the string and it popped up and hit my teeth. I was recorded being on the ground for like a minute

I nearly broke my mirror (a huge one…) when I lost control and let go during an attempt to do revolutions as fast as possible…the whole house could hear the noise.

Other accidents with revolutions:

nearly breaking my teeth, just crashed into my chin
damage to wall

and I just barely escaped a head collision with my sister…

I have 2, a badly positioned “pop the clutch” with a cheap metal yoyo that hit me right in that lumpy bone at the base of the skull and a “breakaway” with my 201 that returned faster than expected and clocked me right in the jaw.
still safer than skating though

The worst i have done is my yoyos string tension got really tight so its flew up and nailed me in the nose. It hurt really bad. About everyday i nail my fingers and fall to the ground in agony, but im usually just milkin it.

So my lefty friend wanted to learn new elements but has trouble watching righties, so I slowed down and whut for him but didn’t really put any effort in it. This is what sloppiness does.

Remember kids, always give 100%

That thud…hurts…

One fall morning, I thought I got through a trick cleanly and went to go for the next powerful throw…

And same yoyo, different trick.

You video makes me laugh every time. “Ffffffuuuggghhh…” Hurts so bad you almost say it but then hold on for dear life to keep it clean. Happens to me all the time… This time all I did was sigh…

One time it came back up (duh) and whacked me right where I think I sprained my knuckle. Put me on the floor for a while.

Yea, had to remember I was recording and that this would eventually make its way to YYE, where we should try and keep things clean :slight_smile:

Normally happens to me. This time, literally, nothing came to mind. Just pain. Hit me pretty hard. As you could see. That accidental bind came roaring like a beast from hell…

This video gets me every time:

The sound of that hit… poor bloke.  :-X

I love the noise it makes in slo-mo :smiley: That epic noise it makes as the chief rattles across the hardwood.

Worst accident was a couple years back when I was practicing doing a bunch of combos. I went to throw the yoyo really hard so I could make it through a long combo. There happened to be a knot in the yoyo, so it swung around and hit me in the nose and left a little mark. Something happened later that day and the outside of my nose started to bleed. Ouch

I’m pretty sure the forums suffered an injury with this 5 year necro…

When getting into yoyoing, I was using a fast 201, and I threw a breakaway and the string broke and went into the road and got ran over by a school bus. Was in tears for an hour.


Worst accident with no injury was my first YYJ Revolution. When I got it, I noticed a small crack in one side but didn’t care enough to send it back plus it didn’t vibe or anything so I was fine with it. I was yoyoing in the driveway when it hit hard on the ground and not only did that side crack in half but the whole thing looked like it exploded. Parts flew everywhere. I found everything but I was so upset I had to buy a new one.

WITH injury, a few months ago I broke two fingers practicing. I threw it too hard with a knot and it smashed into my hand. After I THOUGHT my hand healed, I did it again, same spot. It’s healed now but it hurt like hell. Other accidents I got pretty bad concussions. What can I say? I go hard when I practice.

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was doing banna turnover and smacked myself in my right eye, i had a black eye for week and a half

im so glad I don’t get coloration when I bruise. Al I got was a light red mark from my shot to the eye.