Your favorite white yoyo string?

Pretty simple topic. What’s your favorite white string? Please include string material in your reply if known!

84string from Thegioiyoyo - Vietnam


I don’t normally use white string since they get dirty soooooooooooo easily. However I do have some kitty and Zipline poly just in case since white is the color that goes with any colorway of an yoyo.

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Kitty Fat Nylon! Only comes in white or yellow, 10/10 would recommend as an inexpensive whip/slack friendly white string


Zipline Skylines are some mighty fine white strings.


How thick are they?

They are on the thinner side of normal thickness. I’d put them right between Airetic’s thin and standard strings.



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Mine! 50/50 nylon poly blend. I’m kind of biased though


How do you play with Ammo? It’s so thick!!



Dragon strings by Toxic. It was mentioned in another thread they are going to make it again. 100% Poly.

By Mark himself: I sent One Drop a description of what I was looking for. It was a thick string that was stiff and fast like the string I use now. But a little thinner than what I use to compensate for multi level/layer string tricks. I was losing a lot of sleep time from my string being so thick.

One Drop relayed this info. to Toxic who speedily crafted up 3 separate samples for me to test out. All of them played great so it was tough to make the decision, but I ended up picking the thickest of the three. One minor change was made to a couple of strands to get the color of the string to be perfectly white and the string was done.

The string is 14-count 100% poly. Its stiff and plays like a thick 8 count string in speed and texture. But feels thinner then all 8 count, so its not as bulky in the gap or on the finger.

Another thing that was important that I forgot to mention was the longevity. Like all handmade strings, the price point is certainly not the prettiest, but that is very relative and dependent on the quality of product. After using this string for over 2 hours, it begins to loosen up. Most thick strings get soft and actually thicker in the used phase. This string almost neutralizes itself. The strands get slightly tighter making it thinner (hypothetically), but at the same time the strands soften up and out, making it thicker. So it maintains it’s thickness, while changing in texture. I could probably use one of these strings for a good 10hours of play (then wash it and use it for another 10).

To note – there is a very VERY fine line in string thickness (no pun intended). Too thin and the control over the yoyo at speed gets very unpredictable. Too thick, you’ve got total control at high speed, but with the thickness, there’s too much material running across your fingers so it slows you down. Getting string right in the middle is where you want it. That perfect s’medium thickness. Thick enough to feel and be stiff, yet thin enough to not slow you down. Make sense?

A lot of time and thought was put into this string and I think you guys will love it. This string heavily mimics the string I originally used on my Markmont. Next, and I can without a doubt say that it plays better with the string I use to use, and this new string. You’ll be very surprised at the difference in using a string that’s pretty much catered to the yoyo.



Also gotta vote for my own strings. They are known as “The White” and is pretty much the only string I use. Its not fat, but not thin either. Slightly less thick than kitty fat.


Zipline made G2 Diamond Blend.
These babies rock.



Do tell, how is it? Compared to mine, that is…


This blend, and all other Ziplines, are a tad bit longer in length. Out of the pack this blend is softer and not as stiff.

Yours break in AWESOME, they last longer, I just wish they were about 2-3 inches longer in length.

I can’t even spin string, I am in no way knocking yours @smileypants707


For me, it’s a tie between white KC24’s and SmileyStrings (shoutout @smileypants707)