Opinion on string?

Good afternoon fellow yo-yoers!!Curious on everyone’s opinion on what string they use and why? I rip through string like crazy,I know when I throw front style, I usually throw crooked so the string rubs against the side and tears it up lol


I’ve tried several different string brands and types. My favorite bulk polyester string is Monkeyfinger Vines. My favorite boutique polyester string is Zipline. The Zipline Skylines are my favorite nylon/polyester blend. For pure nylon, you can’t beat Airetic. Nylon strings last a lot longer than polyester ones. It’s a matter of months versus weeks, depending on how many yoyos you have and how often you cycle through them.

iYOYO Slackies are also fantastic pure polyester strings. They are softer than most polyester strings that I’ve tried and last a bit longer than the Vines.

The biggest drawback to nylon strings is that the normal slip knot around your finger can slide around your finger. Both Zipline and Airetic sell rosins that you can rub on your loop to mitigate that issue.

I don’t think there’s that one perfect string maker out there. You mainly need to try a whole bunch and develop your preferences. Also, the same string will behave differently depending on the gap size and bearing style of the yoyo.


I believe slackies are the best, another kind of string i like is 84String.

I’m an airetic fanboy for unresponsive play. Slims and Regs are both amazing. I use the same strings for weeks and weeks. Best feel I’ve tried and I’ve tried most.


I hear ya, bro! When I began I was shredding string like crazy. Now I can get 3 weeks probably more but I change string when it feels or looks like it’s time. The more I practice, the less the string is rubbing on metal.

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Can’t recommend this strongly enough


That’s awesome!! I did just buy the Lefty twist, to try it out, it’s weird lol, maybe cause I’m used to using regular spin string, I got the Ann Connelly baby blue off here, great color and feel as well

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Nawwice!!! My man knows his string!!!


I love strings! Just, in general. Nothing quite like putting a new string on to replace an old worn-out one. Kind of like changing into brand new socks, I guess.

Some of my faves:

  • iYoyo Slackies
  • Monkey Finger Phat Vines
  • 84 strings (only tried a couple… they’re cool)
  • Airetic regs
  • @smileypants707 very special white strings :wink:

There are a lot of different thicknesses, textures, and bouncinesses to try out.


It doesn’t matter a scrap what string you use. Just get yourself whatever regular polyester string you like and it will be fine.

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I strongly disagree with that. You’re touching and interacting with the string constantly while yo-yo-ing, so if you are thinking man I super hate the way this feels as you play, the experience is going to SUUUUCK.

And I ain’t gonna deny I’ve had the above ↑ ↑ feeling quite a bit with most, but not all, nylon strings…


I’m currently using this exact sampler pack, and I would definitely recommend it as well. Out of all the strings in that price range that I’ve tried so far, I believe String Lab is the best. But, honestly, if I were to buy any strings from them again, I’d just go with Plutonium. They’re very soft, and I really can’t find much to dislike about them.

Now, apart from String Lab, Dragon Strings are the only other boutique style of strings I’ve tried, and those too are exceptional. But, be warned, the break-in period is very long.

I’ve also ordered some Airetic strings, but they haven’t shipped yet. So, the verdict is still out on those.


I tend to agree with a few caveats.

The only variable that I think matters much is string thickness. This is the one thing that, when changed, actually results in significantly different play for me and mostly to do with how responsive the string is. Thicker string is more responsive than thin…pretty obvious when you consider.

I’ve used a few polyester strings that I find to be more abrasive than most. Mind you, this doesn’t actually affect the play that much, I just don’t like the way it feels on my fingers when I’m doing tricks, nothing about it actually stops me from doing any tricks though.

Nylon string is pretty much all the same to me. Some is more whip-like than others, which feels different, but not necessarily better.

Cotton is pretty much all the same to me, but I only use it on fixed axles.

I’ve never used a yoyo string that DOESN’T do what it’s supposed to do though.

I’ve tried a bunch, and settled on Kitty string. It’s cheap for the bulk purchases and lasts long enough. Frankly the bottom line for me is not to get too wrapped around the axle about it (:rofl::joy:)


What is there to hate about a bulk poly string that performs just fine, is a standard thickness and performs like a yoyo string should? Nothing about it feels particularly terrible unless you’ve been using expensive boutique string as your standard for ages.

Just bulk poly it and don’t worry too much about it.

Thanks, I have worked to make the best I can, but Ack! I’ve lost my boutique string status???


I think, much like Chinese manufacturing in general, the quality of “bulk poly strings” has increased greatly in the last 10 years.

That said, you’re right – most name brand bulk poly isn’t bad at all… these days. There is quite a bit of variance in feel though, blueprint for example was quite “rough” and had a very interesting feel, but isn’t around any more.

I’ve had the most erratic “love it or hate it” results with fancier super-boutique strings and especially nylons.

good quality strings alot in cheap price.

Top Yo String x100

Top Yo String x100


Manufacturer Top Yo
Made In China
String Material Polyester 100%
String Ply 6-ply
String Count approx. 100 counts
String Color Color
String Length 106cm (42in)

just for 9$.


Drakkar taketh away, Drakkar giveth back. :wink:


I used to just buy bulk polyester strings on YYE but lately I switched to zipline strings and I’m very very pleased with them. They’re very comfortortable for me to play with, they’re a little pricier but I think they’re worth it and they have tons of colors to choose from and it’s not all just solid colors.


Out of curiosity if anyone has tried YYSL Plutonium as well as Zipline strings, how would you say they’re thickness compares? Right now my go to are the Plutonium and I kinda like that thickness so if I was to try a pack or ziplines I wonder which would be closest?

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