I’m a lefty too. I agree that it would be nice to be able to get more of the strings in lefty configuration. I find the string gradually tightening is easier to manage than the string gradually loosening.
I could easily make Left string if there was a large market…
If anyones interested i could do a 5 pack of left string??
PM me if you need some
There’s a lot of string sellers on the forums guys. All of which I’m sure would be happy to make lefty string. J3 who let me test his string asked if I wanted/needed lefty, so that makes me think a majority of small string co.'s wouldn’t mind doing it.
I honestly see nothing wrong with the PR. I think he has an opinion, and a right to it, as well as a duty to be honest (the most important PR in my opinion) and say essentially…no. I have no beef with the Chinese from a trade perspective. YoyoFactory employs enough American citizens and pays enough taxes to this country, and also makes enough yo-yos in the USA, that I am satisfied with their contribution to us. I think they have made the best yo-yos of the year, and they are responsible for a lot of classics. YoyoFactory communicates the way I like to get information…straight with no chaser. I know everyone has a right to their opinion, but that is my take on it.
I was curious what the leftys thought about whether the string was necessary to them. I am right handed and wanted to get a left hander’s point of view on the matter. Very interesting topic, for sure. I considered doing a spinoff thread, but found this recent one instead:
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got in store.
I wonder if you’ll feel that way after playing a draupnir or dazzler.
Also, if you want to see what it is like playing left handed with right handed string, try playing right handed with left handed string.
I wonder too, but they have big shoes to fill. I will find out pretty soon though. People have no problem buying Japanese throws, and they shouldn’t, but they beef with the Chinese.
The point I think YYF was making is that there is no good business in making left handed string for a small group within the population of yo-yoers. How lucrative is making anything for a small group of people anyway?
Fortunate for me, my parents made me use my right hand. As Legyoyo pointed out, a lot of the small string makers can make custom string, so a big company like YYF should not want to bother…kind of makes sense. You can even make your own string and save money. The other option was to be a lefty who learned to play righty. :-\
Also, based on that thread I posted, he has a point that 3A players have to deal with that issue too. I think he has a point that from a business perspective, why go there? There is no money in it anyway. What percentage of throwers are left handed? How much money is YYF making off string anyway? I think the person who asked that, should consider those questions.
I’m sure it is a decent business decision form their perspective to not make lefty string. Not arguing that point at all. There are smaller companies happy to spot the market gap and fill it.
I would think 3a players would like to have one of each.
The real benefit of lefty string for lefty players is that the tricks to loosen the string are easier than the tricks to tighten the string (at least for me). And since I have to tighten the string, not loosen it, I’d like having lefty string. My plan is to make my own this winter. We’ll see if I ever find time.
If you do Robk, it might turn into a side hobby…that is also a business, you never know. Sometimes if a big company will not take on the job, you can find something “missing” as HudakJoe inquired about, and fill the void. Perhaps we should add lefty string to the list too.
The whole lefty/righty thing with sports is interesting. I did some boxing for awhile, just for exercise because I don’t like traditional gyms. I prefer jumping rope, hitting the bags, and sparring and stuff. I am so right handed, that I couldn’t think with my left side out front. It would have taken forever to turn me around to learn that way, but a lot of left handed boxers were turned around to box righty…no matter if it took forever to teach them. I turned into a right hander who boxed lefty (natural right handed southpaw). My trainer was okay with the shortcut, especially because I was not going to go pro or anything lol. I wonder if there is a left handed yo-yoer who throws with the right hand. I may start a spinoff thread after all.
A boxer?
I can assure you, there is no way my string hobby will turn into a side business. Between my day job and my consulting startup, I don’t need a low paying factory job on top of it. There is not enough money to make it worth it for me.
I’m weirdly dexterous. I am lefty at somethings, righty at others. I attribute the fact that I am both a creative thinker and an analytic thinker to the fact that I am always using both sides of my body, and thus both sides of my brain.
I play most ball sports right handed. I play yoyo lefty. I play guitar righty. I write and eat lefty. I kick right legged, and on and on it goes.
My sister, who is younger, was a natural righty. Saw me writing lefty, and switched to be more like me. Now she does things mostly righty, but eats and writes lefty. She is more analytic and less creative than I am though.
Brains are weird.
I have some questions for you on that, because you seem to know more than I do in that area. I read that some people are right brained, left brained or “whole brained,” meaning that no side is dominant. Have you read the same?
Also, does the fact that we use one side of our brain more, have any real and direct correlation to what hand we use to physically do things? If so, it would not reflect what I have observed…which is of course only my interpretation of what I see, and not anything related to something researched.
I believe my interests and hobbies are overwhelmingly related to right brain stuff, but I have been trained academically toward left brain stuff.
I would agree you don’t seem to fit the mold on the surface. You are right hand dominance, which would relate to left brain dominant, yet you are clearly a creative person based on your hobbies, like writing and recording and releasing music.
I’m not sure how good the theory is. All my knowledge is based on personal observation and pop-science, not real study.
IDK if verbally attacking another player in a very childish manner is ever justifiable, but just another topic we don’t see eye to eye on and its ok.
I definitely wouldn’t go so far as to say best yoyo this year there are a few that I personally like, but I replied hastily and won’t sell my YYF yoyos that’s stupid but I will be much more choosy on what YYF yoyos I buy and if I want them I’ll get them from a secondary supplier.
There are a few YYF yoyos I enjoy a lot and happened to get a stupid good deal on a pair of 1080 loopers (free and in watermelon) & a pair of low number ricochets so I’m not completely out of the game.
I like your pointing out that some of their yoyos are indeed made in the USA start to finish from inception to distribution and it will be those yoyos I’ll invest in when one stands out.
Otherwise I’ll just stick with my other favorite brands since the new releases are steady and getting better with time :).
So while there are a few things we dont see eye to eye on there happens to be s lot of other things we agree on 8) .
Yeah, different strokes I guess… But, if you do sell those YYFs let me know. Better yet, don’t let me know…I’m trying to be good these days.
You’re creatively analytic I like how your selectively ambidextrous some things are naturally right while other things are naturally left. I’m the same way with a very small amount of things, but in now way like you.
I was so excited for.my proton galaxy and when it arrived I was honestly disappointed, on that note would you mind pulling yours apart and take a a picture of the catch zone and the cups with the halves side by side I really want to see if mine is the only one or not… issues announced after I see photos if you’re willing (I might start s topic on this, but where to properly stick it?).
I will gladly take photos for you tonight and PM them to you. I will PM them, because I don’t want to make them part of a thread about any specific problem. I learned that it’s better to resolve certain product issues with the retailer or manufacturer toward getting a refund or exchange, rather than creating a thread on it. If you make one though I’d have to know the issue to propose where to stick it. I’ll wait until you see the photos. Give me a bit, I will take several others as well. I hope it will help.
Man what did I miss on this thread?
Sweet and thanks!
The thread would be more for visual enjoyment. I’ll PM you about the problem and it’s not a huge deal just something like the take and attitude on left handed strings. But those pictures woe be so greatly appreciated!
man this thread really needs to be stickied i think every one can learn form it!