Yeah, but then once stickied no one will see it :-\
what do you mean by that?
Well Abby, I’ve heard that stickied threads are cursed. After they get a sticky, it seems that no one reads them and comments on them as often as when they were mixed in with the other threads.
I think it only appears that way, because a stickied thread is usually used as a “reference,” not to remain an active thread that people really post in. It is mostly there for people to read, and apply what is read. The amateur photography thread is an exception, because there are a core group of us that check it and post in it. The beginning of the thread is also a reference, so it can be stickied and still remain fresh.
That would make sense but there is a lot of information Here that would be useful for people to start a company or small business
I think finding the right nugget of wisdom in this tread would be like finding a nugget of gold in your spaghetti. It’s definitely in there, but there’s so many noodles it could be hard to hard it.
But it’s ALL happen stance, and chance to actually finding something useful for your current situation.
Not saying it shouldn’t be stickied, just saying, unless people page flip and get lucky, or follow it from here forward, they’re probably not going to find something useful
We post daily.
No Big Deal…
No pun intended
Yeah I guess so.
Going to be gone all weekend, so my current business will have to be put on hold :-\
But hey, it’ll be a good getaway XD
You just had a vacation…
This thread is all about taking advantage of opportunities. In light of that, don’t miss the opportunity to win a high end Canadian yo-yo, by entering the food and yo-yos contest haha. BC has entered a ton of times, but I want to remind the rest of you. I may end this tomorrow night. I think once people have an opportunity to use their Halloween candy, they have had ample time to post. 8)
Indeed. But this is a youth retreat to North Bay MD. I’m going with the youth group and it’s from Friday-Sunday, so it’s not to long.
Oh yeah! I did one for the weekend at someones house, then for a Week we had one in caswell Beach.
Those things transform lives, and are Sooo much fun!
hope you have fun!
I agree everyone could learn from this
JKJKJKJKJK you guys dont have to sticky it unless you want too
Sticky no get read and we talk daily unless it dies i say stixk
My gramar bad 2duy
I hope Legyoyo has a safe trip too. I made it to 300 followers on Instagram. I’m ready to plug a few products when you guys are ready.
Epic Strings should be on yye soon. They keep saying this week, for like two weeks.
I really like camps like that too wee got a couple here in minesota and there so much fun
They have so much new stuff coming out, probably a little backed up. But, you’ll love when they do the graphics and everything looks so nice. It will be worth the wait. We will be looking for them.
So tell us some of the stuff you’ve learned after being in the string business. Is it really labor intensive? It seems like it would be. Are strings twisted with a hand operated tool, or machinery of some sort? Don’t give away the trade secrets though.
Yes really bad grammer today