Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!


Someone wants a Summit painted :smiley:

Hope it all goes well hahahab

Wow, that’s great news. Of course we will be awaiting some photos.

On my end, I just mailed Legyoyo the next run of trigger snaps. We had some sizing issues with the last bunch. So, instead of focusing on nickel plated ones, I think it’s just important to find the right size. We got that right this time around. When Legyoyo gets them, we’ll see if he loves them too. :wink:

I have over 280 followers now on Instagram…getting closer to 300. When I reach 300, we should be ready to plug the bracelets and holders on there. Hey, people may not buy right away, but it’s good to keep things fresh in their minds. ;D

TotalArtist, what’s your Instagram? I’d gladly follow you, you post some wonderful stuff on here

You are too kind. I will reciprocate of course. ;D I am “TotalArtist” on Instagram too. Thanks a bunch! Some stuff is the same, but some things I keep exclusive to Instagram, just to make following worthwhile.

I’m working a deal for some so I give aways maybe BC, Legyoyo, Abbey, TotalArtist, & I can all put in and have an extremely launch give away and if you guys are up we can see of we can get a little crazy and put a peep in the step of the YYE crowd for a week or so?

What? Im sorry, I don’t quite understand what your saying… ???

I think it has to do with us all hosting a big give away! But it appears autocorrect got the best of his post. Can’t wait for further details :slight_smile:

that sounds fun just make sure we all have something “worthwhile” to give away

No way…black for life. I took a photo of the black Kitty String because I love it so much.
KittyString1 by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

I can’t wait to hear the idea. :slight_smile:

So I’m just wondering if I can get some feedback from you guys on what kind of things might be “missing” fromor at least hard to find in our beloved hobby.,68154.msg747667/topicseen.html#new

:slight_smile: I really appreciate any and all feedback

oh yeah! It’s brainstormin’ time!

I posted in the thread, but suggest:

  1. High quality apparel, outside of brand specific yo-yo manufacturer stuff
    2.  Yo-Yo stands (look good, easy to assemble, and priced right)
  2. Hard yo-yo cases, upscale high capacity cases…no one is selling them regularly
  3. Custom ano…not enough people are offering services to do custom work.

and tack on left handed string!!!


Silly human!

Are you a lefty? Hmmm…that reminds me.

Someone made a comment on the YoyoFactory page, suggesting that YoyoFactory make lefty string. When they answered they said there was no need, and suggest learning how to manage string tension. They stated that 3A players handle it all the time with no problems.

What do you make of all that? :-\

This makes me not want to buy or support yyf any further, I have always had extreme distaste for heir Chinese made yoyos and how there has been some really bad PR from Ben and some of the things that really has gone on that I’ve been privy too :(.

I very well might sell all yyf yoyos I own… Sad that my supernova and galaxy proton will have to find new homes (the one and only time I’ll break my no selling or trading rule).

I’ll elaborate on my thoughts about the big idea of some really cool giveaways (hmm).

Someone already produces lefty string here on YYE.,

string tension is a pain to deal with when your left handed. Regular string loosening drives me crazy it causes slippery binds and makes it tricky for some slacks. that and the only manufactures that make left handed string only use one type which is type X i mean it nice he thought of it but i wish more companies did it. and the thing with 3a players is most of the stuff is technical not 1a which eliminates the idea of slacks some what.

They’re rarely in stock though.