Actually that’s an impressive idea also a good way to know when your run into a member on the street, if you are interested in getting them laser engraved I can PM the info ( BC I mean unless you need an laser engraver for your holsters Also TA? )
At $5 your profit margin is super slim and generally not enough to share much with yoyoe for their time and trouble.
At $10 there is a little more to go around and might be enough to give yoyoe their cut and replenish materials but not much extra
$12-$15 seems like a low end and high end of the profit (above the. Let to replenish materials and give yoyoe a fair cut) scale but still making money. (That’s based on $2.50-$3 material and (time to make the item) investment cost per bracelet.).
Before you adjust pricing make sure you’re able to lock ing material costs and find ways to increase your productivity (jig or enlist others, but if you choose the later make sure you know they can do what you need so there are no quality control issues!).
Hmmm, that would be an interesting idea Legyoyo. I like your price of $15. But, so that BC floods the market with these perhaps he should drop it down to $12 shipped. If he can take this $25 I spent, and make 20 bracelets, selling at $12 shipped, he will rake in $240. If he spends $2.50 to ship each bracelet, that is about $50 total shipping cost. Then, he may be dealing with Paypal fees of about 3.5%. So fees is about $8.40. So if we take the $240, subtract his $50 shipping costs, and fees (a total of $58.40). So that leaves him about $181.60. If I was his mom, I’d take $10 for gas to get to the post office. Seriously, I would. But, I think he’s off the hook on that expense. One bracelet is for T.A. for free, so minus $12 again for that cost. $181.60 minus $12 gives me $169.60. So, BC stands to make about that much. He should subtract $30 to reinvest in his business by buying more paracord and buckles. That leaves him $139.60 for his efforts.
BC is the boss on the pricing, but I think $12 shipped is a great price point. He’s just starting out, so he has to make the price right, but also cover his expenses, and make it worth his while. He wants a lot of people wearing these bracelets at contests.
Now, in real life, BC would have invested that initial $25 and he would have to also deduct that as a cost, and he would only profit $139.60 minus $25…profit of $114.60. BC will never profit this much again. But, this gives him a push start haha.
Hypothetical #7
Here’s a math problem for someone to figure out. If BC makes 20 bracelets, and it takes him 20 minutes to make each bracelet, how long does it take BC to get all the bracelets done? After you figure that out, if BC profits $169.60, how much per hour does he make for crafting bracelets? We don’t know how long it will take BC to do one yet, but there’s another hypothetical for you. Also…do me a favor and check my math above. Yeah right huh…
I took a legit photo. It fits in a small priority size box (that’s what it came in), so it’s not a lot of stuff. BC make sure your parents know what you’re up to crafting bracelets, and that they approve. I can get the stuff in the mail tomorrow. I know Legyoyo told his folks about his holster business and the projects he is working on (the contest and so on).
$12 includes shipping. Read that top part of that long post, because it has some business numbers outlined for you to review. Give them some thought, but the final decision is yours.
My partners approve of any entrepreneurship. Especially my dad. He is big into it. He has invested in some old String business…
But I’ll mention it to them. They always say who is TA? I say, the person who ran the contest, and they are Okay :).
They think your contest was amazing and were proud of me winning…’
I hope they turn out nice :).
Also, did you get the buckles separately? Or from the same website or whatever?
great math… im never good at this especially algebra oh well it was good while it lasted. oh and TA i can make metal strips with imprints on them like metal from soda cans with pressed on if you need help with metal working. i also make awesome wire people that yoyoers can tell each others by from size or colors.
The buckles were separate. I tested one out, and they are rather sturdy too, so I’m happy with the stuff overall. I’ll have to get your opinion when you take a look. I never unraveled the paracord to measure it, but it’s supposed to be 50’ of white, 50’ of red, and 50’ of black…20’ of that camouflage stuff. :-\
yeah the only real metal work i have done is mess around with soda cans and put patterns on them not a lot but i do know how to soder (thats used for electrical work like making a computer and its basically lead that you can heat up and draw on) I know how to soder from my dad he builds computers and stuff in is spare time. Oh and the wire people i make i can make in to clips, pins, keychains almost anything.
i can see the wire people being incorporated into leg’s holsters if my idea is working right it would look super awesome and would be another collab that might work, granted i’ve just made this idea up as i’m posting this. lol so havent talked to either about this idea.