Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

that’s why I thought Abby might contact him, he might want to pass on the tricks of the trade…

Thanks for taking a crack at this Snafu. I can tell that you thought about it quite a bit too. This is a real life situation that actually happened to me at work once, and I will tell you how I handled it shortly. I’ll detail some of the things later on, but it is one of those things that happen at work that you play around with in your mind long after. There are things you are left wondering like:

Why did the boss pick me out to do it?
Why did he tell me he does not like the guy’s work, seems unprofessional?
Why is the guy still working here if a boss knows his work is awful?
Why did the boss ask me, rather than do it himself?

So, more to come a bit later when I have time to detail how it went down. :smiley:

Yes, that depends on whether he stopped temporarily, or if he retired from it altogether. Also, Abby would have to get a parent’s permission to work with the blades, that might be cool, but it’s best she do that with something that involves that kind of risk.

He was making money with the cutters though, so if she can fill a void with it, that would be awesome! I can’t wait to see how this idea works out.

Here’s my answer to hypothetical #6:

I would probably choose option 7, something else. I’d help Jack with his current problem, but ask the supervisor to deal with Jack in a way so that he wouldn’t keep having this problem. If the supervisor came to me and asked me to help again, there’s a good chance I’d say no, as Jack needs to learn how to do his job effectively.

i would do #7 and that would be to politely say no to the offer because i work better alone and jack could use some more experience on his own time to become better at his craft whatever it is.

So. All this time. I thought when everyone would say “I’m tired of your crap” “this isn’t funny it’s just cluttering the boards”

It’s really not what I did that was bad, it was everyone els pointing out the negative.

The haters are powered by the others.

A few examples. Not really hating but more so mean/I’m better than you thing.

They all come from Linkslegionare…

The “favorite forum members” thread.

“Quote from link”

“This thread is like the nerd table at school”

Some one els “Look at all the 2yr olds saying “I’m not on anyone’s list””

A thread asking about thread ranks.

Link says, “We don’t need that because we all know I’m #1

And this other guy, I think it was Johnthewolfe.

He made a post in the jokes thread claiming

I’m not sure how it went but something in the way of "I dislike the little kids that strive or post 1,000 a month

And a bunch of other I hate that and that and this and that!!!

It’s like all the cool guys “teens-college” are doing it right 16 and up. And everyone els is a 2yr old baby and is doing it wrong.

I mean, all teenagers go through a very anoyying fase where they hate everything and everyone.

It happened to my older brother. He was always hating on things and making comments and being a jerk. Now he is out of it and is a kind brother again.

I think most people here are going through that.

Like the guy who said

Your case is horrible and that’s that!

It’s getting really anoyying…

Like this!

And this^. And then everyone says “this is my favorite forum member”

If you go look Link and his so called “funny jokes” and the best.

You’re right life isn’t fair. That’s a place where we go to ride rides, see animals, and eat the most amazing (ly unhealthy but tasty food).

Thick skin seems to be the gold standard anymore, sad but true.

I am thankful for those of you that are actively working in here through talking and inspiration all around (I am extremely inspired by everyone in here) and Rob I’m just a guy trying to love and treat others how I’d like to be treated.

On a side note I broke my rule (but support bad businesses or the people that run businesses with nice products but are horrible business people.)

I had a gift card to yoyoe and picked up a recrev, I did so only after andré gave me the wow that thing is awesome talk :slight_smile: he also told me they are actively trying to help the business owner man up and become a reliable and responsible owner that has customer service on par with yoyoexpert or at least that’s the goal. I was quite inspired by our phone call.

In response to BC…

Well, I have to admit that I don’t read the entire forum, so I miss some of the posts that go on. But, we have to be careful calling out certain forum members for being “mean” because then we’re hating on them too, right? Then it becomes a vicious cycle.

We all have a “posting style” on here. I see adults who even look like they collect posts. They go through the boards and comment on any and everything, appearing to just increase their post count for whatever the agenda. So, it is not just kids who do it, adults do it too. So, that is not directed at anyone specific really. Someone is criticizing something they deem annoying. Other people might be annoyed at the person who posts once a day, but comes on the forum acting like they know everything. So, nothing you can do about the haters. Everyone hates to a degree, and everyone is hated on to a degree. But, try not to take it personal, because it happens to everyone on here at some point.

I entered the Shutter contest. Something else to do with the photos right? So long story short, I made multiple attempts, thought outside the box some others were trapped in, and won the Instagram portion. Two other people won from Facebook and Twitter. There were 3 Shutters to be won. The haters were all full force (about two people lol), but I thought it was funny. They had two other Shutters to win, but they wanted the one I got because I’m “TotalArtist” with so many throws, so I can’t enter the contest. The kids hated on me. But, I thought it was funny, and hated back on them for being a sore loser. That was a win for the adults, but kids were hating. Big people hate on younger people, but younger people hate on adults too. Nothing stops the hate, just get better at hating back when it is directed at you. If no one calls you out, just let it be, it’s not worth your time. If anyone calls me out though, we go at it. It is just part of the internet game and game of life in general.

I saw the YoyoJam trick contest results. People came out in droves hating on the kid who won. People in this community are the same as everywhere else. They can be as stingy and greedy and hate as much as the next. But, don’t let it get under your skin. If it is directed at you, by all means respond, but otherwise save the energy. Your skin has to get so thick that even when they go at you directly, you don’t sweat it, you just turn them into something to do.

I have read posts by johnthewolfe, and get the idea that he feels hated on at times too. Again, we all hate and get hated on to some degree. Some of us more than others, but we all play a part in it. Links is quite a bit older than you, he has a different reality and perspective. He is mostly being humorous but yes, there is an ounce of truth in every joke. He didn’t seem to be directing it at you, rather a way of posting that he finds things annoying. If that’s your style, and you like it, then cool. The only thing I’d change about his comment, is I’d add a few adults to the mix too, and hate on them :smiley: That quote you posted of johnthewolfe, I like almost everything he doesnt, the unboxing videos, I don’t mind fanboys…whatever, and the 5 panels look cool in two of three colors. I could go on for days, but we would apparently have nothing in common. And, so be it.

The thing I want you to get most of all BC is this. This is coming from a good place, someone who thinks you will probably be a rich dude one day, and be in a position to give an old lady a job lol. Here is my advice.

You post a lot. You are not shy at all on the internet, or instagram and so on. You are very visible on the forum. Part of the consequence of that is some form of “backlash.” It happens in life too. You become the song that people are hearing on the radio, and when it’s on heavy rotation, and no matter what channel you switch to…it’s playing again. Sometimes, what was a good song, can become an annoying song if you hear it over and over again. You have to determine if you want to be a hit song. The good part is, you are popular, but then the question is…why? When the hit song is playing the critics are out in full force, writing articles about how the lyrics are sub par, or the production is awful, or the concept and subject matter is lacking. There are people who do absolutely nothing creative of their own, but they are in full force on the forum quick to say, “that product stinks.” They have never made and sold a single thing in their life. So, take the comments for what they are worth…usually nothing. But also, realize that when you put yourself out there a lot, not everything you get back will be positive. About 10 to 20% of it might be negative. If the other 80% of good you get makes your effort worthwhile (and it should)…continue. But you know the saying, “If you can’t stand the heat…” Don’t be the guy who can’t stand the heat. Unless you are going to be a different dude BC, put on the bulletproof shield, take the 20% of hate, respond when you need to, and forge ahead my man. I think you will be that guy who grows up, and only a few of us in the community remember that you were given a bit of a hard time. I will remember, trust me. But, I think there will be a day when everyone will want something from you. All I ask is that you remember TotalArtist said it. ;D

Some of the older people are giving younger people a hard time, and it has been that way since the beginning of time. At some point, you will be a teen and you will be giving some younger people a bit of a hard time. You will see adults go at teens sometimes too, or older adults going at younger adults. It’s is like this bizarre hierarchy of life :smiley: You sort of earn the right to pick on people younger than you to a degree. Sometimes it has a purpose, with a lesson to be learned buried in there. The five year old is bossing the two year old, the ten year old is bossing the five year old, the sixteen year old is bossing the ten year old, and the twenty year old…you get the point. You will see people fifty or sixty get on the forum, give a forty year old a hard time, and hardly get any guff for it. The reason is that dynamic described above. Not that you never would go at someone much older, or think they are “right,” but you think twice before you do. That’s just how it is. Some of the teens will give you a hard time, wondering if you are the guy who is going to take it serious or continue to be yourself and not care.

I don’t think you really care, but if it annoys you, try not to let it.

It was to my information he was at least 15… Hmm… That’s what he told me (I believe). Not saying I disagree with what you’re saying, I just figured I’d mention that, just in case :slight_smile:

Good, long, quality, thought post TA :slight_smile:

Very interesting. I thought BC was definitely younger than that. :-\ Not sure if he puts that out there, especially given a hard time sometimes. Thanks Legyoyo. :slight_smile:

Ok, he may be less than 15. I looked back to where I thought he said he was 15, and it turned out he said he was near my age… 15…

It was via pm. we’re both pretty good friends :slight_smile:

Mr. Chen is the boss, so how is #6 even a option???

uh of you mean social networking you can count me out my parents won’t let me have a Facebook,twitter,vine, or instagram plus I don’t even have a cellphone yet! (yes I am oh so digital.)

In a lot of jobs, you will have your supervisor (you refer to as a boss), your bosses boss, who might be a District Manager, and so on. They are all above you, but you deal directly with the guy above you most times. If there is a problem with your boss, there is usually someone else to go to, either his boss, or Human Resources or something like that. Long story, but it’s definitely an option in this hypothetical.

I would say #6 since mr. Chen might not have authority to have you do that.

This is based on my memory, which may have failed me in this instance, but I believe BC is 12 or 13.

As a message to BC, I’d just say to not let it get under your skin. If you’re always out to please other people, or conform to their rules of a “perfect society”, you will never really be able to live without regret. As long as you aren’t hurting yourself, or others around you, do things the way you want to do them, not how others tell you.

Of course, this advice must be taken in context. Things won’t go over well if your boss asks you to complete a project, and you say no.

Thanks guys and gals thank you thank you!

Please no autographs or photos!

I’m 13 to put it out there…

But, I almost think I’m 12. Height wise/all my friends and so on…

But yesh!

Thanks TA. That really touched me :).

Now TA we need to meet up at a contest ;D…

I find myself more immature online than IRL. I mean, maybe one or two kids hate me. Everyone says I’m a really good guy. Kid. Teen lololol :)…

Now all I want to do I take the hate as a compliment and be cheerful about it.

Be sure to check out some post after this one under “last post of this member”…

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TA offline= :o