Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

There might be a few issues with clay that you should look into first. Read this thread, because I’m curious of your thoughts.  It was an interesting read, for sure.  A few issues came up, besides legality, the clay being susceptible to break, and inconsistent weights.  Definitely something worth checking out.

Also clay is susceptible to retaining bacteria and other fun stuff as well as being hard to clean sometimes water or mike soap will mess with it in strange and bad ways also. No to be a Donald downer just wanted to expound a little on TotalArtist’s train of thought there.

If I put resin on the clay after it hardens on it would that help? (bacteria wise)Or modge podge? Also I’m not planning on making counter wieghts.

You could contact legodudester cause he make amazing stuff.

Okay thanks for the info.

I agree that Legodudester makes great stuff. I have a few of his string cutters. It takes some specialized skill, dealing with those blades. But, he seems to have that market already. I’m trying to think of what else you might do with clay that he could help you with. If you could make a realistic looking yo-yo paperweight, that would be cool, but I’m not sure how it would sell.

I’m still thinking. Are you definitely sure you want to work with clay? Or, are you open to other things as well?

Custom very professional looking yoyo caps would be cool. If some epicly :smiley:

Though I’m not sure that’s be a thing for clay… Of fall in the wire craft department… But it’s an idea none the less :smiley:

Hm… I’ll try and help all I can with brain storming :slight_smile:

^ Thank you Legyoyo. That is very nice of you, and you are a great example for those who want to use their creativity and make a few bucks while they are at it. I look forward to the upcoming project.

I told you guys that I would throw you an occasional unexpected hypothetical. I have one for you. This one is about the workplace, and working for and with others. Here goes:

Hypothetical #6

You are an employee at your job. Your job entails clearly defined tasks, and it is never debatable who is assigned to a particular task. You have a co-worker named Jack. Jack is a very nice guy, and you have never worked with him much, but you always exchange greetings. You have seen Jack’s work, and wondered how he got the job to begin with. But, you never thought much of it, because that was someone else’s decision.

One day, your boss, the supervisor, Mr. Chen, has a private conversation with you. He tells you that there is important work to be done on Jack’s behalf. But, he tells you that he does not have confidence in the quality of Jack’s work. You are surprised to hear this, as you thought your view of Jack’s work, might be all your own. Mr. Chen asks you to sit with Jack, and help him write some important documents that have to be drafted. You are friendly with Jack, and you like your boss, but no one ever helps you with your work. :-. There is absolutely no risk of being fired.

What would you do in this situation?

  1. Help out, like you were asked.
  2. Help out, but express that you would rather not have helped out.
  3. Politely tell your boss, that as a supervisor, helping Jack is his job.
  4. Refuse to help out.
  5. Have a talk with Jack.
  6. Talk with someone above your supervisor.
  7. Something else.

Many of you will work with others, before, during or after working for yourselves. Also, you may be a boss someday too. So, young entrepreneurs…what would you do?

I have a problem with this forum (don’t read this thread into that problem lol), we are a community here gathered, are we not?

Then why do a lot of people in this community (a community that is suppose to be so awesome and tight knit that even the strongest blade can phase us?) find it easier I tear down and find the bad, have a niche for the destructing of a thing rather then the building up of said thing, and to a fault finding what’s wron and focusing on it rather then seeing the good and building on it?

Case in point being BC’s thread on making cases (I’ll admit there has to be some changes in the fit and finish of his idea to make it flow nicely and end up with a final product I’d like to own, but I’ve left my suggestion) these are far more haters then helpers in that thread and one person in particular that has ruined a few threads, because he’d rather offer insults then a good honest bit of advice on how to better the final product (although it’s not just this one individual, if you look you’ll see a handful of people spreading hopeless banter and not hope filled help to see a young man into a product we’d be proud to own while getting his ideas off the ground and running in the right direction. I do realize that TotalArtist has gone and beyond her call of duty to make this dream a reality for you BC and I hope you settle in and take her tools and build your tool box and fill it with only the best you can :).

So in all this I guess I’m just saying I’m sad that there Re some ever present sore thumbs that rise to the occasion when the opportunity presents itself to be a hater and try to crush someone rather then help them. if Google was what these people seeking help wanted I’m sure they’d have asked google sometimes it’s about just helping someone else because you can even if that question has been asked a million times over, sure the search engine works, but what does it hurt to to the time to answer and offer help?

Sarcasm speaking here because obviously it’s easier to be a jerk and tell these kids to get lost or to find google then to give the answer which is often times far more simple and to the point then their diatribe about googling or how dumb they are for not searching ect…

Compassion and that spirit to help has gone by the way side for some and it makes me sad! Sorry for my rant, but I vow to do my best to allows offer help instead of a bit of venom or sarcasm when the need for help arises.

Thanks for reading and I apologize for venting I just needed to get that off my proverbial chest.


Thanks for reading that poorly constructed and. As English post I have a writing/ grammar issue.

I will have to look for the thread you mentioned. I probably missed it somehow. I guess that is why I wanted to come up with this thread, for people to bounce ideas around. I have not found the community to be as “tight” as some make it out to be. I see that human beings act as expected inside and outside of the community. I have not found people better or worse here, than in the rest of society. That is what I have observed so far. I never expect anything different really, so I never get let down. I have said that quite often too. :slight_smile:

For me, it is about balance. On one hand, you want to be honest with people on here, because not being honest does them no good. Yet, you want to have some tact, when pointing out the reality, that might seem harsh. On the internet, you cannot use tone and body language to soften the blow. So, with the written word, and hanging out on the internet, your skin has to be pretty thick to begin with.

Having said all that, I see many of the topics on this forum, generated as an attempt at social interaction. A lot of them are not “fact based” questions. So, when the fact based topics show up, those questions that have a clear answer to them stand out. The answer to those kinds of questions can be found on the internet somewhere. Some view these threads as clutter, or a waste of time and space. They view them as a “lazy” attempt at social interaction. They don’t like to see a thread asking about a date, location or something like that. That information is searchable.

But, those threads are not created to annoy people, most likely out of a need to interact socially. I don’t get bothered by it as much, but fully understand why some people are bothered. Outside of the forum, it annoys me to no end, and that is why I understand it. I despise really needy people. People who always need every little thing done for them, get on my nerves. So, for some people on the forum, people who cannot sort out questions that have a factual answer, on their own, appear to be “needy.”

I have met a few people who would rather ask me to do something, than figure out how to get it done themselves. It’s the person at work who asks, “How do you spell…” rather than Google it. Even if you Google the wrong spelling, you get the right one. The person holding a beverage, who realizes they have a shoelace untied. Some people will find some place to set the beverage down and tie the lace. Others will get you involved, and ask you to hold their beverage to get the job done. I see it all as the same thing. A lot of people could be more self sufficient, but there is no really tactful way to get that message across. That’s where the problem comes in.

There is really no nice way to say “you could have looked it up yourself.” So, I can see it both ways.


I agree, and concede to the facts you posted. I guess what bothers me is the disregard In how some of the older guys treat the younger kids here, but oh are fully right about people being more self sufficient and sort out how to use google. I posted that in sort of being mad. Just the immediate reaction of some to jump on the bash wagon so fast without having a slight willingness to attempt to point someone in the right direction.

There is that fine line between truly not knowing and being overly needy.

Thanks for being the voice of reason and showing me the flaw in my annoyed rant.

I’ll PM you the specific part of my thought and it might make a little more sense, but you are still correct people must learn to be more self sufficient and enter a situation as best educated on the topic at hand or risk being eaten Alive.

is it ok if I can get my answer in on Saturday-Sunday?

I have two thoughts here but I has to ask if old domestic engineers can answer? LoL

No need for you guys to answer or send in PMs or anything. Only answer if you have some thoughts on how you might handle it. No contest or prize here, just curious what you think of that scenario. What do you think Snafu? Of course you can answer. :slight_smile:

ok my first thought is do what you’re told as it doesnt seem to be a moral dilemma your boss is tell you to do it so you do it, but this could be a leading that your boss is confident in your work and might be testing out the waters for you to possibly step in and do that job.

or my second thought is have a conversation with your boss about the motives behind him asking you to play ball and work with this person, but in doing so you must first make it clear you arent question your bosses authority and are just simply curious as to why.

either way generally the people that are in the process of making your check happen (outside of your work and hour put in that is) do as they say provided its not morally or legally wrong.

hope that is easily understood.

i dont answer for anything and i didnt ask with the assumption of a prize, i just wanted to make sure it was ok if i participated.

I think this is an interesting topic you raise Snafu. I have had some thoughts on it as well, and appreciate your perspective on it. I have seen both sides of this dynamic, and at this time, I cannot be certain what might fix it. The only thing that might make things better, is for them to at least try to put themselves in someone else’s shoes before they respond. I mean on both sides.

I think ages fall into three groups on here…not two:

  1. Really young kids, 12 and under (usually 9 and up on the internet);
  2. Teens 13 - 17;
  3. Adults.

I definitely do not see the group of teens as little kids. Teens can be left at home alone, they can work in a lot of instances, even if it’s just a paper route, and they are expected to have a higher level of understanding and experience about how to carry themselves. I find that in most cases, they do that just fine. They have a higher level of social interaction and experience dealing with people. They also do a better job of creating the thought provoking content on the forum. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. There is much more difficulty bridging the gap between the younger kids and the adults. I mean, at times there seems to be a world of difference.

From an adult point of view, we like to see the forum more organized, thought provoking. The kids on here want to interact socially, have fun, and they see this as merely a toy forum. So, from their view, they may think we take things way too seriously. At times, I have seen the teens scold the younger kids on the forum. Depending on how much time people spend on here, they may or may not know how old each poster is. I can tell often times, not by one post, but by reading a series of posts. But, it is not always apparent, at the outset.

There are different perspectives on how, as an adult, you should tell a kid what they need to hear. One perspective is to do it gently, so as not to discourage the kid, or make him/her feel bad, or hurt anyone’s feelings. Another perspective is that if you have a rude kid, no manners, out of line, preachy, that you treat the kid in such a way that you will scold them for bad manners or for stepping out of line. Some people say “he’s just a kid.” Other people will say, “a little jerk will turn into a big jerk if you don’t nip it.” So, there are a few different perspectives on it. I have been known to take either approach, depending on the circumstances. If you think a kid hurts people’s feelings, rude, preachy, out of line and so on, you have to decide when you might give him a taste of his own medicine, and give it back to him. After all, that might be what life has in store, so the sooner he find out…the better. Kids have to find out that if you dish it out, you have to take it too…because such is life. But, if there might be room for misunderstanding, you might want to take it easy and not presume the worst. The circumstances have to dictate though.

I think the adults can teach the younger people about life experience, life choices and all that. The kids can teach us about what is current, new, hip or whatever the term. The adults can pass the torch of what they know how to do, down to the younger ones who will eventually grasp it and take it to the next level. In terms of the forum, there is a benefit of young and old to co-exist. But, in the process, there will be some level of conflict.

I was in stitches one time. One of the young people got in the middle of an adult debate I was involved in. He responded with “My dad says we have a right to free speech.” I knew how old he was before that, but it was definitely confirmed when he said that, because no adult will make a point, and then tell you that their parent told them it was correct (to give it weight). I got a kick out of it, because, according to the adult I was debating with, I was not supposed to presume that was a kid who chimed in to say that. There are some laughs to be had in all this too. :smiley:

I will PM you on a few things.

He had the market, I believe he stopped…

I’m open to anything but in my past experience i find clay is easier to manipulate and obtain.

Snafu, I have a couple thoughts about your haters post. First, your avatar claims you heart haters, so stop hating on the haters! :wink:

Second, I agree, people in general should be nicer. But, as it turns out, people in general are not nicer. The folkis in this thread largely have been a great group of generously spirited people interested in helping the younger members blossom. It would be nice if that’s how it worked elsewhere, but if these guys (I consider this gender neutral, so you gals are guys too) want to make it, they have to toughen up and learn to handle the tough reality of a capitalistic market place. They are lucky to have us here to continue to encourage them, and we are unfortunate that all members here are not so supportive, but, to use a phrase I hate, it is what it is. We aren’t gonna change the others, we can only do our best ourselves, and pour our energy and time into those deserving.

Snafu, you clearly have one of the biggest hearts on this forum, and I agree with your sentiment, “why all the hating?” I just think it is an unfortunate reality in our culture.

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I stand corrected. I had no idea that he stopped making them. Abby would have to be comfortable working with blades to make string cutters. I, personally, would not want to do it. But, I wonder what she thinks of that part.