Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

If I did my own, I’d be up all night too :smiley: When you see that I modified my posts, it usually means I went back and saw some error. But, that’s if I go back at all haha. It is usually good to go back with a fresh pair of eyes, because you catch what you didn’t the first time around. I was never a stickler for grammar and all that on the forum, because I can almost always figure out what someone means to say, either way. You have so many different ages, education levels, and abilities overall, that you have to put some effort into reading and trying to understand others. We all want to post and be “heard” on things, but it is just as important to put the same effort into understanding the writings of others.

Rob and I are just teasing, but for this thread, let’s make a game of it. If you ever see any errors in my posts, correct them for me. You never know, I might make a few on purpose too, just to see if you will catch it. :slight_smile:

I read a lot of books, and I have always found a spelling error, grammatical error, doubled word or something wrong, in every book. Editors and publishers miss things at times too. It’s okay, you just want small mistakes…not big ones. I bought a CD once, and one song on the back of the CD was spelled wrong. I could tell because the song was spelled correctly elsewhere. Mistakes happen all the time, but the smaller, the better.


That was not on purpose. I found one, corrected in red. Ugh! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not English major and heck I just stugglento be grammatically correct and in context lol.

I do however know the difference in they’re, their, & there. too, two, & to. Accept, & except. Affect, & effect. Then, & than. I have out in the time trying to distinguish these so while I am not a writing grammar pro or even mostly around par for punctuation I don know just a hair that hopefully makes me squeak by for a c- pass hehehe.

Or did I completely fail? Hehehe.

Oh and btw the great gatsby was a much better book then the trashy movie that was just recently put out… I will definitely offer an opinion if anyone would be so included.

Sorry I’m having a really Rough evening so I am meandering at the mind and finger since here is no talking here or else I’d definitely get sidelined for bumping my gums…

^^^ not surprised book wise almost all movies are like that even Harry potter ones and the hunger games.

Okay, enough of T.A. playing school teacher :smiley: That was not my calling.

I just want to update you guys, that about 170 foot of paracord is on the way to me, and about 20 buckles. It’s pretty inexpensive stuff. I went with 550 paracord, as it seems the standard for bracelets. The buckles are 5/8", not too big, but not too small. So, when I get them, hopefully by the end of the week, I’ll send them to BC. He should be up and running by next week sometime. It will be up to him to sell these bracelets and/ or keychains, and then flip the money back into the business to buy more supplies. No further investing by me, from this point on. It’s good to give him a start, without holding his hand. His only deal with me as the “investor,” is to send me one item of my choice, for free. As an investor, if BC does not do well, I lose, but that’s business. I will request that BC send me a bracelet, in YYE colors, and that way, I can take some free photos, that he can use to try to sell his products. I got YYE colors, and a little camouflage too, for an alternative.

The more independent he is with his business, the more money/product he can save.

This should be fun! Good luck BC.

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I was going to offer BC a bit more help, but had to modify my earlier post. It’s good to keep him busy, but like a bird, he must be left to fly on his own. BC, keep your updates to the thread, to let people know how this goes later. I’m about $25 bucks invested, so the thread lives on. :smiley:

Now, on to Legyoyo…

I have the perfect idea for a collaboration. I will invest a similar amount into a project with Legyoyo. I propose a holster collaboration. But, the agreement would entail a short run of collaboration holsters Legyoyo X TotalArtist. I propose changing his carabiner, and upgrade it to one similar to the clasp I use on mine…nickel over brass. I envision that this holder will be weaved black/silver paracord. The only stipulation being that this short run of holsters be marketed as the TotalArtist Edition Legyoyo Holster. There will be about 8 to 10 of them or so, priced at about $15 each. I would provide all parts (paracord/clasps). In return, Legyoyo sends me one, and markets the holders as described above. Legyoyo keeps profits. I cannot reveal my supplier of the materials, as it would reveal my own trade secrets, but I will provide them to Legyoyo.

The idea is still in process, but Legyoyo can consider that business deal, and let me know if he is on board. Or, if he has other ideas, he is welcome to present them.

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Can I ear mark two for me ? :slight_smile: and I am looking forward to this :slight_smile:

You are always super supportive Snafu. Definitely great to have your support in here. I know these guys are plenty busy with school, so we will take our time on this stuff. :slight_smile:

Now, I wonder if we can think of a way for Abby to put a yo-yo spin on the jewelry she is making. If anyone has an idea, throw it out there. We found an angle for BC with the bracelets…YYE colors to represent our love of the YYE forum. But, what can we think of for Abby. Not to presume that Abby wants to market her work on the forum, but it would be interesting to find a way to work that in as well. Hmmm…

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Sounds like a plan! And all you’d like is one of them? :slight_smile:

school? Don’t need it throws books out window
Just kidding. I actually wish to excel in school. But yeah, I’m on vacation, I’ve had a reduced school amount (still have to do a bit :D)

As for Abby. She could ask for permission to use logos, and have the representing colors match the logos.
And you could get creative with them to, like not have than all solely a print, like have some bent wire. Not sure how impossible that’d be, but it’s an idea :slight_smile:

Sounds good. I will get on the case to find all the materials this week. I will buy the second one :wink: I must have at least two. :smiley:

You’re lucky to be on vacation. :slight_smile:

Actually I have I have been considering to make clay Yoyo charms so I could have “Yoyo jewelry” but as of right now I don’t have the materials for it. Or an idea on how they would look in my jewelry unless I were to do a ring.

I’m a big fan of Trigger Snaps. Both of you should consider them:

Do you ever work with polymer clay like Sculpy or Fimo, Abby? That might give you a lot of options.

Or you could make the into things with holes through them that go on the end of your string…

yeah I have my mom is an artist in her spare time so she picks up a lot of stuff. I have used polymer clay before it’s great to use. Oh and I f I were to make counter weights I could see how some companies would be upset with me.

I don’t think counter weights are huge money rakers, so no company should be to mad. You just should be really unique, so they’re super cool… And… Unique :smiley:

Someone else already uses that specific style, but it will be the same style as the one I put out on my holder.  Different size though.  I’m going to go with high quality stuff too…nickel for sure.  Unless I have trouble getting what I want, I’ll be shooting for that. Carabiners are nice, but won’t give it the full TotalArtist vibe.  :wink: This will be fun.  :slight_smile: