You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

When you are asked to guest lecture at a college business communications class about your yoyo string.

That’s so awesome it’s ridiculous!

You can correctly judge the humidity by how your string feels.

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i do that all the time and i dont tell people how i figure it out :wink:

When your whole school knows you as that kid that is sick at yoyo

Every video on youtube that is “recommended for you” is a yoyo video

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when you own doubles of yoyos

That happens to me all the time

When you own quadruples of yoyos. That’s what happens when you get the 4-pack of PSG’s :wink:

When a song comes on and you think that it would make a great yoyo song.

Happens to me alot too. :slight_smile:

When you have a dream that you’re at a yoyo event…mine being the Bay Area Classic. In my dream I had just arrived to the site and waited in line at a booth (they were still setting up shop) to pick up a $100-value discontinued/b-grade yo for $20. Of course as soon as I made the purchase and got my shiny splashed aluminum throw, I woke up, feeling around where the yoyo may had been set…realizing it was just a dream.

  1. You do some kind of a heart trick to impress a girl at school. ;D
    I did this for my mom on valentines day =D

When you go home sick from work because you know your new yoyo has arrived. ::slight_smile:

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when you get mad/upset that they say you can’t yoyo in disneyland because it is a “safety hazard”

I yoyo’d all over Universal, they didn’t care there.

when you get really mad because you had a dream about getting tons of new throws for free.

my dream i opened a box, and out came a gen-yo KLR, steameroller, and some sort of an 888

I also yoyo’d all over Knott’s, nothing there either. Weird.

I had a dream last night that I was at a McDonalds and I went back into the kitchen and Daniel Dietz was working there. I said “hey! I just bought your yoyo! Come show me some tricks.” And then we were heading outside when my alarm went off. Pretty sad.

OMG! I had a similar dream a while ago. I got a shipment of probably more YYR’s than have probably ever been made.