You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

binding with plastic whip is easy. just throw the yoyo, turn around, get plastic whip, turn back around, then toss everything in your hand in the air and it will bind back (if you have a good response system. works every time with flowable silicone)



You check the “What are you throwing today thread” because you recognize who replied last and you’re curious to see what they’re throwing.

You take a hit to the face with your yoyo and check it first to make sure your blood didn’t stain it. Just happened to me 5 minutes ago btw

When at school all you think about is goinng home to talk to your yoyos.

When your “Making an economic aluminum yo-yo project” had total approval by the teachers in your school…And your about to start it.

When you score a touchdown while doing some epic combos.

When your in the army and for a weapon, you bring a yo-yo.

you know you are obsessed with yoyoing when a good report card= a new yoyo

When you get more excited while watching the Super Bowl that you “almost” caught the last step in Steve Brown’s new trick on 365 yoyo tricks than when someone scored a touchdown on whatever that was on TV…

When you whack yourself in the face with a yoyo and immediately think, “that wasn’t as bad as when I was learning ‘X’”.

When you find yourself looking like the biggest dork in the bar when you turn to a total stranger and initiate a conversation about how excited you are about either a new yoyo that’s coming out or a new trick you are learning, and realize you’ve been ranting about it for a half hour and have to ask if you’re boring them…

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When you order a yoyo and you keep checking the order status every time you’re near a computer. Or checking it every 15 minutes or so… I mean… I don’t do that… Ok, I do. :frowning:

dude, you’re not alone.

Good to know! That makes two of us so far. ;D

You can make that 3.

Someone’s going to have to start keeping count :smiley:

4…yep, I will try to keep count…lol

i’m pretty sure almost everyone on this forum does that

When you buy the newest CLYW instead of paying your mortgage.

When your best friend asks who made the beat you’re playing, and you tell them it was Jensen Kimmitt, they know who he is.

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When you see a tube of aqua fresh tooth paste and you think it says Augie Fash.

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