You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

lol, thanks I6ify.

If you think about ways to yoyo while in the shower.

If all your dishes are custom-finished with yoyo designs.

If your car rims have z-stacks

I do this at least 5 times everyday.

When you start practicing frontstyle tricks while sitting on a public restroom toilet seat.

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When you have posted over 6000 times in the yye forums

If you are yoyoing in public when someone asks you what is your favorite yoyo and you name off like 20 different yoyos all from different companies.

When you start thinking about how you can turn your doorknob into a yoyo to save money.

When you look at most objects with the thought in mind, “I wonder if I can make a yoyo out of that.”

…when you do a dolphin dive across the floor to catch your escaped offstring yoyo


I love this!

when you run out of yoyos to custom anodize so you start to anodize empty soda cans

you yoyo during math class

i do this. and in homeroom, social studies, band class, and in the locker room

when you yoyo during math class but never actually show up, instead stay in the band locker area to have privacy from any faculty who would send you to class

beware… lots of detention involved

when you try to convince your family to try to yo-yo with you LOL
im a family guy ;D


When your yoyoing and you hit your car and you check to see if the yoyo is ok first.

you cried when you found out ann connoly was taken by yuuki spencer

You hit yourself in the braces with your yoyo, and you check the yoyo before your teeth.

When your in spanish class, and you keep trying to do the plastic whip motion with the cord hanging from the drop-down headphones

you cut your lip open whjile throwing

when did that happen?!?!?!