When all your algebra problems come out as G5, or P2… Ive actually had 888x as an answer. And 5a…
When you absolutely refuse to throw a yoyo away ever.
Chuck Norris never cries, and Buddy Jim never throws a yoyo away.
When your favorite number is 28 ;D
well that or 44 or 888 or 9.8*5 that’s g5 for anyone whose never been to physics.
when you get caught PRETENDING to yoyo in school or work.
That’s a good one
When you have spent more money on yoyos than anything else
guilty… ;D
When a coach says " I want ten suicides!" and you get your yoyo.
I guess I’m not addicted… I threw out an exodus 2 and a legacy because they were broken. I wish I didn’t throw away the legacy though because it was my first dye job.
when you have only been throwing for 2 weeks and you already own 9 yoyo’s ;D
when you see g5 or 888x or 5a in algerbra you shout out ‘‘wheres the yoyo? GIMME THE YOYOOOOOOO’’
when your girl friend breaks up with you because your cheating on her… WHITH YOUR 888X!
When you’re helping a friend decide on a processor look at the amd phenoms and all you can think about is phenomizm.
When you reference yoyo tricks to help your friend get over their dating woes…
“Idk know, dude. I just can’t click with anyone. I mean I’ve been out with different girls but, I don’t click with any of them.”
So you say, “Man, you always find someone when you stop looking. You know this! It’s the oldest trick in the book!..It’s like, the ‘Sleeper’ of dating and relationships…until then, you might want to work on your ‘Throwhand Grind’.”
When you yoyo at a dance and claim it to be an actual dance
when you break four strings a day.
When you play battleship you always start with G5…no matter what.
When you havn’t been yoyoing for long and you already have 8 yoyos, but you still want to buy more and mod them.