You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

You use a Yo-Yo while using a treadmill/running on a track

You are obsessed w/ 2A girls :smiley:

2A girls are obsessed with yoyoing. I am obsessed with 2A girls.
So by the transitive property of belief I am obsessed with yoyoing.

That’s me! ;D

When you accidently try to throw when there’s no yoyo in your hand.

So… has anyone noticed that he used the wrong “you’re”? I just noticed that now…

When you have a yoyo in every room of your house.

yes, I once thought I had a yoyo in my hand, it was weird…

When you would rather have money for awesome yoyos than a sports car. I don’t have that oppurtunity yet, but if it should arise then… yeah.

You figure out how to Yoyo and post in this forum at the same time :smiley:

  1. when you dream about winning the lottery you think about how many yoyos that would get you
    113.when you realize that other things have bearing and wonder how awesome a yoyo with one would be

When you hear a song and it reminds a routine… Yeah.

What kind of surgery was this?
When you kiss your yo-yo’s

Everytime the wife asks you to do something, you respond (or want to respond) with "I’d rather keep yo-yoing.

You find yourself daydreaming about yo-yoing at work.

When you take your yoyo out of your pocket more than a cell phone.

When your “happy place” is full of yoyos.

When you practice looping while on the toilet.

When your worst nightmare is getting a huge ding and awful vibe in your favorite yoyo

When you think to yourself Friends don’t let Friends throw drunk.

When you have a yoyo contest you’ve been to be yoru happy place that you think of when your stressed, or just close your eyes and relax.

go to a hot air balloon festival and don’t even watch the balloons.