When you turn some thing into a yoyp case, and it costs a ton of money.
when you have enough money to bye a yoyo
When you are forcing the wife to sleep on the couch so you can take your metal throw and place it on her pillow in bed beside you.
When you do chopstick combos on a BigYo. And land them.
some of yours are getting sooooooo simple
alot of people who dont even yoyo have money for yoyos so their not obsessed
and the amount of money someone has is no relation to how obsessed you are with yoyos
when u can do chopstick combos on an imperial
When your browser has 3 bookmarks: Yoyonation, Yoyoexpert, and Google
When you break both arms, and you can still do soiled panties.
When you learn to yoyo with your feet, (no, I can’t do that lol) and can loop with 4 yoyos at a time.
k strass must be really addicted cuz he can do 8
My browser has more…
YYNation, YYExpert, YYGuy, YYSam, One Drop Forum, Duncan Crew.org, Duncan Yo-Yos, YoYoSkills, String Burn Live
When every item inyour google search history has something to do with yoyos
When you would break your computer for a yoyo.
WHen you travel out of state to see a yoyo contest.
you pretend to yoyo without any string or yoyo and just moving your hands pretending to be doing a trick.
When you dream up a trick, and land it the following morning. ;D
i just turned 18 and i was thinknig about it lol, and i just started yo yo-ing.
or when you stay up till 6am practicing a new trick or making up a new trick
When you and your freinds (who are also obsessed) play horse with yo-yos but use the letters Y,O,Y,O and the dash to make 5 letters
When you can pull a yo-yo out of somebody’s ear! ;D
when you spend more time posting in a “you know when your obbsessed with yoyoing thread” than you do yoyoing… oh wait… nvm…