You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

when you break up with your HOT GF because you want to ask out some ugly girl who yoyos.

That’s sad… D:

-When your girlfriend starts yoyoing because you made her do so. :stuck_out_tongue:

no, really obsessed would be when break up with her and go out with her yoyos.

When you pick up a yoyo and start yoyoing, and don’t even realize that your yoyoing untill somebody asks you what your doing. XD

you talk on yoyo forums lol

When you find out you have a blood blister from yoyoing, and you still keep throwing. (ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO ME) :o :o :o :o

When you put a butterfly under your pillow and hope the yoyofairy exchanges it for a catch22

When all you have to talk about is yoyoing, and you encourage all of your friends to get a yoyo forum account.

When you cover the living room floor with pillows because you want to practice your 4A when your mom is sleeping. (My mom is a nurse so she works at night.)

When you have numbed your hand from throwing all day…
I’m starting to worry, its been a week. :frowning:

  1. when all you can think of is yo-yos


When you look at something and immediately think of its connection with yo-yos

When all you do on the computer is yoyoing stuff.

When your trying on shorts in the dressing room and you also test to see how your yoyo fits in the short’s pockets.

When you order a single protostar and in less than a week (after a 10 year hiatus) you spend half a paycheck on a genesis, 44 special, dv888,two mini stars, jurassic yfactor, and another protostar…

When you make friends because your friend you made yoyos, and he learns a ton from you about yoyoing.

That’s me. I take my Atmosphere to Wal-mart. I have it at the beach right now :smiley:

  1. When you make a bed for your yo-yo.
  2. When you get paranoid about people looking at your yo-yo.
  3. When you yell at someone for taking the bearing out of your yo-yo as a joke Ahh, friends can be so nice
  1. when your fiance’ has an intervention about your hobby

when u try your first off string trick with a normal yoyo because you are waiting for your new off string yoyo :-[